Pdf lesen Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible (English Edition)
Beschreibung Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible (English Edition)
Holy Deception? is a hard-hitting examination of the Judeo-Christian Bible. In an attempt to resolve questions prompted by conflicts between the biblical text, factual history and modern scientific understanding, Dr. Blue has undertaken a careful analytical study aimed at answering questions which plagued him for years. Digging deeper, this no-holds-barred expository work draws from the Hebrew Old Testament in concluding that Jesus of Nazareth did not qualify to be the Jewish Messiah. The entire life of Jesus is examined in a manner that comes from a cynical new perspective. Dr. Blue’s no-nonsense approach brings truth to light and is unapologetic in doing so. Holy Deception? is directed at laypersons who feel conflicted about what to believe. It is written in an easy to understand style that also offers background information for each area it touches on. Holy Deception? is not a scholarly work that rises above the average person's ability to understand. References are primarily internet-based so that the reader can readily access them. In the end, the reader will come to possess a critical understanding of the Holy Bible that is based in healthy skepticism and truth.
Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible (English Edition) ebooks
Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the ~ Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible - Kindle edition by Blue, Dennis. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible.
Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the ~ A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible 214. by Dennis R. Blue. Paperback $ 8.99. Ship . Holy Deception also takes a revealing look at the flaws in character that marked the personality of the self-proclaimed Christ. It carefully articulates his messianic shortcomings and leaves the reader with a more cynical and accurate understanding of the person known as Jesus of Nazareth. This .
Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the ~ Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible (English Edition) eBook: Blue, Dennis: .mx: Tienda Kindle
Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the ~ Compre Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible (English Edition) de Blue, Dennis na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.
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DNA and the Bible: The Genetic Link by Y M Kleiman ~ Holy Deception?: A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible A Recovering Fundamentalist Explores the Bible As a recovering fundamentalist, the author came to realize that the authenticity of the literally translated Judeo-Christian Bible takes on a whole new meaning outside of the context of belief.
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