Ebook Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict
Beschreibung Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict
This latest book by award-winning researcher Duncan McCargo, one of the world’s leading specialists on contemporary Thailand, builds on previous projects to elucidate new aspects of the intractable Southern conflict that has claimed more than 4500 lives since 2004. Mapping National Anxieties locates the insurgency in the context of Thailand’s wider political conflicts, exploring the ambiguous relationships between the Thai state and organised religion, along with the recent resurgence of Buddhist chauvinism and nationalism. McCargo examines the way Islamic provincial councils have been drawn into the conflict, and scrutinises the special challenges the conflict has created for Thailand’s media. Journalists have struggled to communicate a confusing story to an increasingly indifferent wider public.The book then moves beyond the crisis itself to look at ways forward, starting with the controversial National Reconciliation Commission that was established by the Thaksin Shinawatra government to propose peaceful options for reducing the violence. Another chapter explores how far Malay Muslims in Thailand’s southern border provinces think of themselves as ‘Thai’, arguing that there is an important distinction between legal citizenship and informal understandings of what citizenship means and entails. Finally, McCargo invites readers to ‘think the unthinkable’ by imagining the possibility of autonomy for Thailand’s deep South, and the implications for the country as a whole.
Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict ebooks
MAPPING NATIONAL ANXIETIES: THAILAND'S SOUTHERN CONFLICT ~ The ongoing militancy in the Deep South of Thailand is more than a bout of separatist violence: it represents a cultural conflict that strikes at the heart of the Thai nation. Bangkok faces a serious legitimacy deficit in the region, but has failed to address disengagement from, and antipathy towards, the national myths and symbols that depict a country united by a single religion and an .
Mapping National Anxieties – NIAS Press ~ Mapping National Anxieties locates the insurgency in the context of Thailand’s wider political conflicts, exploring the ambiguous relationships between the Thai state and organised religion, along with the recent resurgence of Buddhist chauvinism and nationalism. McCargo examines the way Islamic provincial councils have been drawn into the conflict, and scrutinises the special challenges the .
Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict ~ Mapping National Anxieties locates the insurgency in the context of Thailand’s wider political conflicts, exploring the ambiguous relationships between the Thai state and organised religion, along with the recent resurgence of Buddhist chauvinism and nationalism. McCargo examines the way Islamic provincial councils have been drawn into the conflict, and scrutinises the special challenges the conflict has created for Thailand’s media. Journalists have struggled to communicate a .
Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand’s Southern Conflict ~ Review of book by Duncan McCargo. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press, 2012. 240 pp. £50.00 (cloth); £16.99 (paper).
Mapping National Anxieties / Nias Press ~ Mapping National Anxieties locates the insurgency in the context of Thailand’s wider political conflicts, exploring the ambiguous relationships between the Thai state and organised religion, along with the recent resurgence of Buddhist chauvinism and nationalism. McCargo examines the way Islamic provincial councils have been drawn into the conflict, and scrutinises the special challenges the .
Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict ~ Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict by Duncan McCargo (2012-03-31) on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mapping National Anxieties: Thailand's Southern Conflict by Duncan McCargo (2012-03-31) Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Try Prime Cart. Books. Go Search Hello Select your address Low prices on school supplies. Best .
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