Buch The Challenge of Islam to Christians
Beschreibung The Challenge of Islam to Christians
The Challenge of Islam to Christians is David Pawson's most important - and most controversial - prophetic message to date. Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth has created a spiritual vacuum in the United Kingdom. David Pawson believes Islam is far better equipped than the Church to move into that gap and it will not be long before it becomes the country's dominant religion.Based on the audio and video recordings on which he first announced his message, this book unpacks and explains the background behind Pawson's claims, and - crucially - sets out a positive blueprint for the Church's response. Christians must rediscover and demonstrate to society the three qualities that make Christianity unique: Reality, Relationship and Righteousness.
The Challenge of Islam to Christians PDF ePub
The Challenge of Islam to the Church and Its Mission ~ The Challenge of Islam to the Church and Its Mission / Patrick Sookhdeo / ISBN: 9780978714154 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Challenge of Islam to the Church and its Mission ~ The Challenge of Islam to the Church and its Mission / Sookhdeo, Patrick / ISBN: 9780978714185 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Challenge of Islam to Christians (Hodder Christian ~ The Challenge of Islam to Christians is David Pawson's most important - and most controversial - prophetic message to date. Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth has created a spiritual vacuum in the United Kingdom. David Pawson believes Islam is far better equipped than the Church to move into that gap and it will not be long before it becomes the country's dominant religion.
David Pawson - The Challenge of Islam to Christians ~ David Pawson examines Islam and the Christian faith from a believer’s point of view and their impressions of mosque and church. He accepts the challenge Islam faces convinced Christians with, and analyses the challenge we face them with, in the hope of bringing them back from Mohammed to the Lord Jesus Christ.
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David Pawson – The Challenge of Islam to Christians ~ Hodder and Stoughton, the publishers, write, “The Challenge of Islam to Christians” is David Pawson’s most important, and perhaps, his most sobering, prophetic message to date”. Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth have created a spiritual vacuum in the UK and David Pawson believes Islam will fill it.
: Customer reviews: The Challenge of Islam to ~ David Pawson’s prophecy of Islam taking over Britain if the Christians stay complacent is alarming, but you can’t say that it is an impossibility. I dare say that the contents of this books is only for Christians, as there are a host of things that non-Christians might not understand or care about.
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