Buch The Crusades 1095-1197 (Seminar Studies)
Beschreibung The Crusades 1095-1197 (Seminar Studies)
The idea of the crusade remains a potent one.In this compelling account, Jonathan Philips moves away from modern constructs and possible misconceptions of the crusades, to explore the origins and development of the idea in its historical context.Through a mixture of narrative and thematic chapters, the book provides both an outline of key events and issues in the history of the crusades to the Holy Land, and an insight into new areas of research.Supporting documents include letters, charters, poetry, songsa and art. Aimed at 1st and 2nd year history students, thi s new textbook will bring an intriguing subject vividly to life.
The Crusades 1095-1197 (Seminar Studies) PDF ePub
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The Crusades 1095-1197 Seminar Studies In History by ~ The Crusades 1095-1197 (Seminar Studies In History) by Jonathan Phillips (2002-07-05) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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