Pdf lesen Golden Elixir Chi Kung
Beschreibung Golden Elixir Chi Kung
Techniques for preparing and using the Golden Elixir to achieve optimum health and spiritual vitality •Includes practical exercises and postures to produce regenerative effects in one’s own saliva •Reveals how combining saliva with the hormonal fluids released during sexual practices creates the Elixir of Immortality Golden Elixir is the fountain or water of life. It is the combination of saliva, hormonal fluids, and external essences that when mixed together become the Elixir of Immortality. Saliva has long been considered by Taoists as a key component for optimum health. Some Taoist texts recommend swallowing the saliva up to 1,000 times a day to promote physical healing. Thousands of years ago Taoists became aware of changes in the taste and consistency of saliva that accompanied meditative practices. They learned that by combining saliva with the hormonal fluids and essences released during sexual activities a powerful elixir is formed. Taoists believe that this Golden Elixir is not only a physical healing agent, but also is a major transformative agent in preparing for higher spiritual work. Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva. Ten of these involve gathering energy and forces through the body’s hair, which acts as a negative-energy filter and can also be used to store surplus positive energy. Taoists regard the hair as antennae extending out into nature and the universe. By utilizing the practices in this book, readers can develop self-healing abilities and establish a better connection to the universe as a whole.
Golden Elixir Chi Kung Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Golden Elixir Chi Kung von Mantak Chia als Taschenbuch ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva, long considered by Taoists as a key component for optimum health.
Golden Elixir Chi Kung / Mantak Chia / download ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva. Ten of these involve gathering energy and forces through the body’s hair, which acts as a negative-energy filter and can also be used to store surplus positive energy. Taoists regard the hair as antennae extending out into nature and the universe. By utilizing the practices in this book .
Golden Elixir Chi Kung: : Mantak Chia ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung / Mantak Chia / ISBN: 9781594770265 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Golden Elixir Chi Kung (Paperback) - Common: : Bücher ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung (Paperback) - Common / / ISBN: 0884398839721 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Golden Elixir Chi Kung: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild.at als ~ eBook kaufen: Golden Elixir Chi Kung von Mantak Chia und viele weitere eBooks aus unserem großen Sortiment jetzt auf Ihren eBook Reader laden.
Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Chia, Mantak 2004 Taschenbuch ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Chia, Mantak (2004) Taschenbuch / Mantak Chia / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia (2005-01-28): ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia (2005-01-28) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia (2004-11-23): ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia (2004-11-23) / Mantak Chia / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia 28-Jan-2005 ~ Golden Elixir Chi Kung by Mantak Chia (28-Jan-2005) Paperback / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Pi Gu Chi Kung: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als Download ~ The body gathers chi not from food but from chi kung and the "golden elixir" produced by the pi gu chewing practices. The chi produced through pi gu charges your internal organs, activating the body's natural healing abilities and enabling you to draw energies from the Earth and Universe. In the pi gu state the body automatically balances itself, the mind is more relaxed, and sleep improves .
Iron Shirt Chi Kung (eBook, ePUB) von Mantak Chia ~ In Iron Shirt Chi Kung Master Mantak Chia introduces this ancient practice that strengthens the internal organs, establishes roots to the earth's energy, and unifies physical, mental, and spiritual health. Through a unique system of breathing exercises, he demonstrates how to permanently pack concentrated air into the connective tissues (the fasciae) surrounding vital organs, making them .
Mantak Chia - Universal Tao Germany ~ Tao-Lehrer Ausbildung mit Groß-Meister Mantak Chia in Berlin vom 10.–26. April 2020 findet nicht statt. stattdessen gibt es Online-LIVE-Kurse mit Groß-Meister Mantak Chia, zuhause am eigenen PC (auf Englisch, teilweise auch mit Übersetzung).
Golden Elixir Chi Kung Book – PDF Download ~ DOWNLOAD NOW » Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva, long considered by Taoists as a key component for optimum health. Taoists believe that this Golden Elixir is a physical healing agent, and also a major transformative agent in preparing for higher spiritual work. Pi Gu Chi Kung. Inner Alchemy Energy Fasting Author: Mantak Chia .
Pi Gu Chi Kung - Mantak Chia, Christine Harkness-Giles ~ The body gathers chi not from food but from chi kung and the “golden elixir” produced by the pi gu chewing practices. The chi produced through pi gu charges your internal organs, activating the body’s natural healing abilities and enabling you to draw energies from the Earth and Universe. In the pi gu state the body automatically balances itself, the mind is more relaxed, and sleep .
Mantak Chia – Wikipedia ~ Mantak Chia (* 4.April 1944 in Thailand) ist ein Autor, der sich mit traditionellen, daoistischen und esoterischen chinesischen Meditationstechniken, Kampfsportarten (Taijiquan, Kung Fu und Eisenhemd-Technik) und Medizinkonzepten beschäftigt. Er sieht sich selbst als Lehrer, der „seinen Schülern durch Kultivierung des Qis beim Wachsen hilft“.