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Beschreibung The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation
Along with Chinese art, medicine, and philosophy, taijiquan has left the confines of its original culture, and offers health, relaxation, and a method of self-defense to people around the globe. Using the early texts now known as The Taijiquan Classics which have served as a touchstone for t’ai chi practitioners for 150 years, this book explores the fundamental ideas and what they mean to practitioners, students, and scholars. It also incorporates newly discovered sources that address the history of taijiquan and newly translated commentaries by Chen Weiming.
The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation: ~ The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation / Barbara Davis, Chen Wei-Ming / ISBN: 9781556434310 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation by Davis ~ The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation by Davis, Barbara (2004) Taschenbuch / Barbara Davis / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Download The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation ~ The Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation, Barbara Davis, North Atlantic Books, 2004, 1556434316, 9781556434310, 212 pages. Along with Chinese art, medicine, and philosophy, taijiquan has left the confines of its original culture, and offers health, relaxation, and a method of self-defense to people around the globe.
Taijiquan Classics : An Annotated Translation - Google Books ~ Taijiquan Classics: An Annotated Translation: Author: Barbara Davis: Contributor: Weiming Chen: Edition: illustrated, annotated: Publisher: North Atlantic Books, 2004: ISBN: 1556434316, 9781556434310: Length: 212 pages : Subjects: Health & Fitness › Exercise. Health & Fitness / Exercise Social Science / Customs & Traditions Sports & Recreation / Martial Arts & Self-Defense : Export Citation .
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