Buch online Lorin C. Woolley's School of the Prophets: Minutes from 1932-1941 (English Edition)
Beschreibung Lorin C. Woolley's School of the Prophets: Minutes from 1932-1941 (English Edition)
Lorin C. Woolley, the spiritual grandfather of virtually every Mormon fundamentalist movement, called six men to form a special priesthood council of seven apostles. This quorum of seven comprised the leadership of a new religious movement founded upon a commission given to Lorin C. Woolley by John Taylor in 1886. Their meetings were referred to as the School of the Prophets - after Joseph Smith’s Kirtland school and John Taylor’s Salt Lake school. Within those meetings, Lorin C. Woolley prophesied, taught new doctrines, and instructed the quorum about the scope of their authority. Not long after this School of the Prophets started, Woolley past away. Thereafter, the new council sought heavenly direction to guide them in fulfilling the instructions they had been given. Although they worked together in harmony for over a decade, differences began to surface and eventually, Wooley’s council split apart and various Mormon fundamentalist movements arose with their leaders arising from this quorum.Each of those groups (including the unorganized “group” of independents) has their own traditions based upon what they heard that Lorin C. Woolley taught this quorum of apostles. Because the minutes of these meetings have not been available for publication, those traditions have not been subjected to the scrutiny of these School of the Prophet meetings. Now for the first time, this limited edition offers you the opportunity to learn what Woolley and his original council taught about their commission and the scope of their authority within these School of the Prophet meetings.
Lesen Sie das Buch Lorin C. Woolley's School of the Prophets: Minutes from 1932-1941 (English Edition)
Lorin C. Woolley's School of the Prophets Minutes From ~ Never before published, the minutes from Lorin C. Woolley's school of the prophets contains information that is crucial to the priesthood claims of Mormon fundamentalists. Out of respect for the source of these minutes, this book has not been distributed by book dealers and very few copies were made. The first edition is almost out of
Lorin C. Woolley - Wikipedia ~ Lorin Calvin Woolley (October 23, 1856 – September 19, 1934) was an American proponent of plural marriage and one of the founders of the Mormon fundamentalist movement. As a young man in Utah Territory, Woolley served as a courier and bodyguard for polygamous leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in hiding during the federal crusade against polygamy.
Briney Drew - AbeBooks ~ Lorin C. Woolley's School of the Prophets: Minutes from 1932-1941 (Paperback) Drew Briney Published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, United States (2019)
Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883 Kindle Edition ~ Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883 - Kindle edition by Anderson, Devery S.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Salt Lake School of the Prophets, 1867-1883.
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Mormonism in the 20th century - Wikipedia ~ This is a timeline of major events in Mormonism in the 20th century.. 1900s 1900. January 25: The U.S. Congress votes to not admit B. H. Roberts, who had been denied a seat since being elected in 1898, because of his practice of polygamy.; April 19: Reed Smoot is ordained an apostle. 1901
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