Buch lesen The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John Danaher's Musings on Training, Thriving, Quarantines and Mastery
Beschreibung The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John Danaher's Musings on Training, Thriving, Quarantines and Mastery
Stay In The Game, With Your Mind.With the world or combat sports put on hold and hundreds of thousands of students training from home in 2020, the mental study of jiu-jitsu has become more important than ever. In the highly requested third volume of the Danaher Diaries, there are now OVER one hundred musings from the mind of John Danaher from before and during the worldwide pandemic that drove the BJJ community out of gyms and onto various online training programs. Danaher's writings cover the timely to the timeless as he reflects on the current state of jiu-jitsu and it's unchanging constants. Included in volume three are:✓ Danaher's famous concepts of first contact and strategic engagement✓ His parable style teachings such as "The Back and the Serpent" ✓ Reflections on the evolution of Gordon Ryan, Gary Tonon, and Nick Rodriguez✓ His real time reactions to the onset of COVID-19 and New York's shelter in place order.Through it all, you'll read the inner workings of the consensus top coach in the sport of submission grappling, and leader of the now world famous "Danaher Death Squad" training out of the Renzo Gracie Academies basement. Professionally edited and packaged into short, daily readings that are perfect for training at home or as a gift for the quarantined grappler
The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John Danaher's Musings on Training, Thriving, Quarantines and Mastery PDF ePub
The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John ~ The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John Danaher's Musings on Training, Thriving, Quarantines and Mastery / of the Art, Heroes / ISBN: 9798656741187 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John ~ The Danaher Diaries Volume 3: Over 100 more of John Danaher's Musings on Training, Thriving, Quarantines and Mastery (English Edition) eBook: of the Art, Heroes: : Kindle-Shop
Gracie, R: Mastering Jujitsu Mastering Martial Arts Series ~ The Danaher Diaries Volume 2: 100 More of John Danaher’s Musings on Learning, Teaching, Strategy, and Mastery Heroes of the Art. 5,0 von 5 Sternen 7. Taschenbuch. 14,21 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 4 Tagen. Das große Buch des Jiu-Jitsu: Alle Griffe, Sweeps und Techniken, die ein Kämpfer beherrschen muss Saulo Ribeiro. 4,4 von 5 Sternen 40. Taschenbuch. 34,99 € Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu .
The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Globetrotter (English Edition ~ The Danaher Diaries: Over 100 of John Danaher's Musings on Jiu-Jitsu, Kaizen, Training, and Living (English Edition) Heroes of the Art. 5,0 von 5 Sternen 15. Kindle Ausgabe. 4,45 € Mastering The 21 Immutable Principles Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: The Ultimate Handbook for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Students (English Edition) Paulo Guillobel. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 155. Kindle Ausgabe. 8,15 € The Danaher .
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