Buch lesen The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints (Middle Ages)
Beschreibung The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints (Middle Ages)
In 1384, a poor and illiterate peasant woman named Ermine moved to the city of Reims with her elderly husband. Her era was troubled by war, plague, and schism within the Catholic Church, and Ermine could easily have slipped unobserved through the cracks of history. After the loss of her husband, however, things took a remarkable but frightening turn. For the last ten months of her life, Ermine was tormented by nightly visions of angels and demons. In her nocturnal terrors, she was attacked by animals, beaten and kidnapped by devils in disguise, and exposed to carnal spectacles; on other nights, she was blessed by saints, even visited by the Virgin Mary. She confessed these strange occurrences to an Augustinian friar known as Jean le Graveur, who recorded them all in vivid detail.Was Ermine a saint in the making, an impostor, an incipient witch, or a madwoman? Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski ponders answers to these questions in the historical and theological context of this troubled woman's experiences. With empathy and acuity, Blumenfeld-Kosinski examines Ermine's life in fourteenth-century Reims, her relationship with her confessor, her ascetic and devotional practices, and her reported encounters with heavenly and hellish beings. Supplemented by translated excerpts from Jean's account, The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims brings to life an episode that helped precipitate one of the major clerical controversies of late medieval Europe, revealing surprising truths about the era's conceptions of piety and possession.
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints (Middle Ages) ebooks
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims â A Medieval Woman ~ A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints . and emerging notions of witchcraft and demonic possession."âParergon"The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims tells the story of an ordinary French peasant, a widow whose harrowing tale illumines many hot-button issues of the late Middle Agesâthe Papal Schism, the history of witchcraft, the discernment of spirits, the social construction of mental .
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman ~ Download Citation / The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman between Demons and Saints . Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania .
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims (Middle Ages): ~ The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims (Middle Ages): : Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims- Combined Academic ~ The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints The Middle Ages Series. by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski. Published by: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
SEHEPUNKTE - Rezension von: The Strange Case of Ermine de ~ Rezension ĂŒber Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski: The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims. A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints (= The Middle Ages Series), Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 2015, XII + 233 S., 10 Abb., ISBN 978-0-8122-4715-2, GBP 36,00
The Strange Case Of Ermine De Reims A Medieval Woman ~ Descargar The Strange Case Of Ermine De Reims A Medieval Woman Between Demons And Saints The Middle Ages Series/ PDF Gratis español. PDF Libros electrónicos gratuitos en todos los formatos para Android Apple y Kindle. Descargar ebooks gratis para llevar y leer en cualquier lugar.
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski - The Middle Ages: The Strange ~ Book The Middle Ages: The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims : A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski in MOBI, EPUB 0 Comments Leave a Reply.
Project MUSE - Parergon-Volume 33, Number 2, 2016 ~ Download contents. Nostalgic Temporalities in Greenes Vision . The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman between Demons and Saints by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski (review ) Judith Bonzol; pp. 140-142; DOI: 10.1353/pgn.2016.0082; View Download contents âAnd so began the Irish Nationâ: Nationality, National Consciousness and Nationalism in Pre-Modern Ireland by Brendan Bradshaw .
How waldensians became witches: Heretics and their journey ~ Supplemented by translated excerpts from Jean's account, The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims brings to life an episode that helped precipitate one of the major clerical controversies of late .
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What Did It Mean to Say "I Saw"? The Clash between Theory ~ Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims (c. 1347â1396): A Medieval Woman between Demons and Saints, Speculum 85, no.2 2 (Sep .
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SEHEPUNKTE - Rezension von: Philippe de MĂ©ziĂšres and his ~ The Pallium and Papal Power in the Middle Ages, Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press 2016 . Weitere Rezensionen zu BĂŒchern dieser Autoren: Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski: The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims. A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 2015. Kiril Petkov: The Anxieties of a Citizen Class. The Miracles of the .
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