Buch lesen Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet, and Herbs
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Bring Balance to Your Life with Qigong! Stop... Breathe deeply... When was the last time you gave yourself permission to relax, to focus only on yourself, to truly enjoy your body? Although there are so many demands on your time and energy, you cannot forget to take care of yourself: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Qigong is the simple and natural way to ensure that these needs are met. Combining gentle movements with centuries-old meditation techniques, Qigong is the perfect holistic fitness practice for the busy woman who has only a few minutes to herself in the car, at lunch, or just before falling asleep at night. Yanling Lee Johnson, a survivor of China's Cultural Revolution and a longtime Qigong healer and practitioner, addresses the stresses that women of all stages of life face, as they negotiate modern living. Let her teach you simple techniques for maintaining balanced health. Practical Instruction for Specific Exercises HerbalRemedies & Diet Heal Injuries and Illnesses Within Yourself Special Instructions for Mothers and their Babies Tips for Weight Loss, Depression & Staying Young and Beautiful
Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet, and Herbs PDF ePub
Doc « A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement ~ A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet and Herbs # PDF \\ DFRPF3TI2P A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet and Herbs By Yanling Lee Johnson YMAA Publication Center. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet and Herbs, Yanling Lee Johnson,
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A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet ~ This guide teaches women of all ages and physical abilities to stay healthy and youthful, reduce stress, and maintain mental and emotional equilibrium through Qigong. It also addresses specific needs with specific treatments. Topics include weight loss, depression, staying young and beautiful, healing injuries and illnesses, as well as exercises, herbal remedies and dietary instructions. The treatments and exercises are safe, natural, time-tested and effective, and included are daily Qigong .
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A Woman's Qigong Guide - Jade Dragon ~ A Woman's Qigong Guide is an authoritative and valuable guide on the major principles and practices of Qigong and a must read for any women who seeks to cultivate and benefit from this wisdom in her daily life. - Gunther M. Weil, Ph.D. Psychologist and Founding Chairman, National Qigong Association (NQA) Download PDF sample. A Woman's Qigong Guide. Empowerment Through Movement, Diet, and Herbs .
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