Buch lesen Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church
Beschreibung Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church
In an attempt to understand the growing influence of the Christian Right, sociologist and documentary filmmaker James Ault spent three years inside the world of a Massachusetts fundamentalist church he encountered while studying a variety of new-right groups. He observed—and where possible participated in—the daily lives of the members of a church he calls Shawmut River. His book takes us into worship services, home Bible studies, youth events, men’s prayer breakfasts and Saturday work groups, after-Sunday-service family dinners, and bitter conflicts leading to a church split. He introduces us to the principal members of the congregation, as well as its shadow community of ex-members. We see how they respond to each other, to Ault as an unsaved newcomer, and to the outside world.Ault draws our attention to how members use the Bible as a “handbook for life,” applying moral absolutes taken from it, more or less successfully, to both daily life and extraordinary events. We see how the congregation deals with issues around marriage, adultery, divorce, teenage pregnancy, and alcohol abuse. Ault makes clear how the church, embodying traditional extended-family life, provides the security of like-mindedness and community to its members. He also reveals the pervasive power of gossip to engender and perpetuate divisions and conflicts within a community. And finally, Ault describes his own surprising journey of discovery, revelation, and belief during, and in the wake of, his three years studying Shawmut River and making an intimate documentary about it.Having experienced its life personally and in depth, James Ault is remarkably placed to guide us through the world of Christian fundamentalism—an abiding and, to many Americans, baffling phenomenon. In the course of telling his story, he builds a useful framework for better understanding the popular sources of both fundamentalism and new-right conservatism and their distinctive place in American life.
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"Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church ~ "Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church" by James M. Ault, Jr. Published Thursday, May 3, 2007 By Sean Michael Lucas Become a subscriber to unlock this content
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Book // Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist ~ Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church \\ PDF \\ XGNM6VRNZX Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church By James M. Ault Alfred a Knopf Inc, 2005. Paperback. Book Condition: New. BRAND NEW COPY, Perfect Shape, No Black Remainder Mark, 501-609Fast Shipping With Online Tracking, International Orders shipped Global Priority Air Mail, All orders handled with care .
Independent Fundamental Baptist ~ The church which Jesus Christ founded in His earthly life and ministry is commonly referred to as the “New Testament Church.” The Book of Acts gives us an example to follow concerning how to run the church today. They were a soulwinning church, doing public visitation (Acts 20:20). There was no convention to pay dues to, or answer to, or to rely upon for spiritual guidance while making .
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BĂĽcher bei Google Play ~ A first lady herself, Tai's husband, King, is pastor of Mount Zion Progressive Baptist Church. But with two affairs under his belt, Tai wonders just what "progressive" means. In fact, she strongly suspects her husband is at it again. Now, she can follow her mother-in-law's example and threaten to shoot any would-be-husband-stealing floozies, or she can take Vivian's advice and listen for God's .