Pdf lesen Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, and Countervailing Force
Beschreibung Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, and Countervailing Force
Fair Fight? Not likely. Least of all from a criminal who is looking to make a quick profit at your expense. A sad fact is that weapon-wielding thugs victimize 1,773,000 citizens every year in the United States alone. Even martial artists are not immune from this deadly threat. Consequently, self-defense training that does not consider the very real possibility of an armed attack is dangerously incomplete. Whether you live in the city or countryside, you should be both mentally and physically prepared to deal with an unprovoked armed assault at any time. Preparation must be comprehensive enough to account for the plethora of pointy objects, blunt instruments, explosive devices, and deadly projectiles that someday could be used against you. This extensive book teaches proven survival skills that can keep you safe on the street. A multitude of real-life scenarios and case studies analyzing violent encounters will help you to internalize this crucial knowledge. Contents include: Awareness Avoidance De-escalation Countervailing force Armed conflict Managing the aftermath of violence Weapon features and functions If you are serious about self-defense this book is for you. Everyone, including experienced martial artists, security and law enforcement professionals, and concerned citizens will benefit from this vital information.
Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, and Countervailing Force Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to ~ Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, and Countervailing Force (English Edition) eBook: Lawrence A. Kane, Loren W. Christensen: : Kindle-Shop
Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artist's Guide to ~ Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artist's Guide to Weapons, Street Violence and Countervailing Force / Lawrence A. Kane, Kris Wilder / ISBN: 9781594390715 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to ~ "Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artist's Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, & Countervailing Force gets to the heart of martial arts applications and safety issues, providing an entire book which focuses on proven survival skills, from awareness and avoidance to de-escalation tactics and countervailing force. In having more than just a collection of moves on hand, it encourages survival by all ways possible, making this an outstanding addition any martial arts collection must have .
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Countervailing - definition of countervailing by The Free ~ Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artist's Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, & Countervailing Force gets to the heart of martial arts applications and safety issue, providing an entire book which focuses on proven survival skills, from awareness and avoidance to de-escalation tactics and countervailing force.
Lawrence A. Kane - ~ Surviving Armed Assaults: A Martial Artists Guide to Weapons, Street Violence, and Countervailing Force (English Edition) 01.08.2015. von Lawrence A. Kane , Loren W. Christensen ( 19 ) €10.99. Fair Fight? Not likely. Least of all from a criminal who is looking to make a quick profit at your expense. A sad fact is that weapon-wielding thugs victimize 1,773,000 citizens every year in the .