Buch online Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit: Investigations into the Nature of "Being"
Beschreibung Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit: Investigations into the Nature of "Being"
Although preceding Peter Ralston's two popular books on the topic The Book of Not Knowing and Pursuing Consciousness, this book is adapted from audio recordings of consciousness work being done "live" with Peter. It is a collection of a series of talks and lively dialogues with students exploring the nature of Ralston's unique communications.
Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit: Investigations into the Nature of "Being" Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Oracle Cards and Apps - Colette Baron-Reid / Oracle Cards ~ Ancient wisdom keepers knew the symbolism inherent in each animal, insect, bird, or fish, and how their very presence was a form of communication, their movements a sacred language that conveyed layers of truth more than words could ever offer. Your soul remembers, however. You’re invited now to share in this wisdom, with the Spirit Animal Oracle deck, so that you may better navigate your .
Earth Energies - Ancient-Wisdom ~ Investigating the theory that certain natural earth-energies were detectable by prehistoric humans and utilised in ways that are essentially lost to us in a modern technological setting. It is generally accepted that the large number of megaliths around the ancient world were constructed as part of a cultural expression, both lending identity to the human species and connecting it to the .
Alice Bailey Books / Books & Publications Store • Lucis Trust ~ Books by Alice Bailey. The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom — a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form suitable to each era.Together Alice Bailey and The Tibetan produced 19 books of esoteric philosophy, and Alice Bailey wrote five additional titles independently.
The Wisdom of James - Baylor University ~ biblical wisdom from ancient Israel through the traditions of Jesus and Paul, calls us to be a wise community that walks and talks the “wisdom from above.” T he Letter of James describes Christian wisdom—both its theoretical knowledge and practical know-how—as embodied within a community. Since James reverberates with themes from the rich biblical wisdom tradition—from the sages of .
Sons of Samael - Gnostic Teachings ~ This kind of investigation is not given for entertainment. This kind of wisdom is not given just to be interesting or to be clever. We study this material because we want to return to Eden. In order to do this we need to recognize Adam, Eve, the trees, and the serpent are symbols of what is inside of us, and we have to change the situation that is happening in us from day to day. When Eve is .
The Yale Report of 1828 - University of Michigan ~ The expediency of retaining the ancient languages, as an essential part of our course of instruction, is so obviously connected with the object and plan of education in the college, that justice could not be done to the particular subject of inquiry in the resolution, without a brief statement of the nature and arrangement of the various branches of the whole system. The report of the faculty .
Prehistoric Drugs. - Ancient-Wisdom ~ This led to the origin of the shaman whose duty is to communicate with the unseen mind of nature'. Article: The Lycaeum. (1992) The idea that the use of hallucinogens should be a source of inspiration for some forms of prehistoric rock art is not a new one. After a brief examination of instances of such art, this article intends to focus its attention on a group of rock paintings in the Sahara .
THE CODE OF HAMMURABI ~ granted new life to Uruk, who brought plenteous water to its in-habitants, raised the head of E-anna, and perfected the beauty of Anu and Nana; shield of the land, who reunited the scattered in-habitants of Isin; who richly endowed E-gal-mach; the protecting king of the city, brother of the god Zamama; who rmly founded the farms of Kish, crowned E-me-te-ursag with glory, redoubled c Paulo J. S .
Time of the Sixth Sun ~ THE WISDOM OF THE ELDERS. Time of the Sixth Sun is an inspirational and uplifting documentary film about the shift in global consciousness and the emerging movement to find a new way to walk more lightly on this Earth. Our ancestors understood our symbiotic relationship to nature and the elements, and foresaw the collapse of an unsustainable world.
Home - The Wisdom Experience ~ While yoga has been popularized in the West as a practice for physical health and well-being, the ancient practices of Tibetan yoga have often remained secretive. Now, in this groundbreaking new Wisdom Academy course, Dr. Alejandro Chaoul explains the history of the trul khor, or magical movements, guides you through each yogic posture and movement, and teaches you to work with your body and .
Denise Linn - Official Website ~ Kindling The Native Spirit: Sacred Practices For Everyday Life. Kindling the Native Spirit deepens your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you.International lecturer and healer Denise Linn is a member of the Cherokee Nation and has gained wisdom from native cultures around the world, including the Zulu in Africa, the Maori in New Zealand, and the Aborigines of Australia, as .
Philosophy As A World-View And A Methodology ~ Admittedly in ancient times when philosophy had only just come into being, it was "omnivorous", in the sense that philosophers then took an interest in all or many fields of knowledge, and from a professional point of view. It is no accident that works on the history of philosophy, particularly as we go back into the centuries, are full of a great deal of non-philosophical facts and .
Isis Unveiled - Wikipedia ~ Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, published in 1877, is a book of esoteric philosophy and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's first major work and a key text in her Theosophical movement.. The work has often been criticized as a plagiarized occult work, with scholars noting how Blavatsky extensively copied from many sources popular among .
Book of Nature - Wikipedia ~ Consequently, the new outlook toward the natural world inspired the belief for a supreme force that was compatible with the new philosophy—in other words, monotheistic. However, the path leading from nature to rediscovering a divine being was uncertain. Once again, the Book of Nature was consulted, and it was Aristotle who interpreted its .
Masters of the Living Energy: The Mystical World of the Q ~ Four new chapters of this revised edition focus on the work of the mesa, the Andean form of a spiritual medicine bundle, and its use as a conduit for the healing energies of nature. The mesa is called the “heart’s fire” because it represents the finest energy--the energy of compassion--that a paqo cultivates while walking the sacred path. Wilcox provides instructions on how to make .
Wisdom of the Heavens, Earth, Body, Mind & Soul ~ Wisdom is also one of the country's largest free holistic publications with 50,000 copies printed bi-monthly distributed throughout New England, dedicated to opening people's hearts and minds to the philosophies, products and services available to the open mind. Wisdom Magazine's Monthly Webzine: Login: Register: Wisdom Magazine, a bi-monthly compendium of information and resources related to .
Dafeng, the Spirit of Air - Quest - World of Warcraft ~ Speak to Dafeng, the spirit of air, in the Chamber of Whispers. A level 1 The Wandering Isle Quest. +250 reputation with Shang Xi's Academy. Always up to date.
: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and ~ “After over a decade doing in-depth interviews and accumulating spiritual knowledge on her popular podcast On Being, Tippett pulls from that well of conversations to reconstruct her trail of investigation into the nature of wisdom. She tells her own life journey—her Oklahoma upbringing, her wide-eyed years in divided Cold War Germany, her decision to attend Yale divinity school—alongside .
Emma Curtis Hopkins – Wikipedia ~ Emma Curtis Hopkins (* 1849; †1925) war eine amerikanische Schriftstellerin und geistliche Leiterin. Sie gehörte zu den Begründern des New Thought movement und war eine Theologin, Lehrerin, Schriftstellerin, Feministin, Mystikerin und „Propheten“, die hunderte Personen (auch Frauen) „ordinierte“. Sie führte das Christian Science Theological Seminary of Chicago, jedoch ohne .
Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Ancient Mysteries and ~ After being admitted, the initiates were instructed in the secret wisdom which had been preserved for ages. Plato, an initiate of one of these sacred orders, was severely criticized because in his writings he revealed to the public many of the secret philosophic principles of the Mysteries. Every pagan nation had (and has) not only its state religion, but another into which the philosophic .