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Beschreibung Jehovah Lives in Brooklyn: Jehovah's Witnesses as a Model of Fundamentalism (English Edition)
The book Jehovah Lives in Brooklyn: Jehovah's Witnesses as a Model of Fundamentalism describes some of the odd beliefs of this cult, and also gives a psychosocial overview of its place in society, its meaning, and its results. It discusses the effects of cult-psychology on otherwise well-adjusted minds, and shows why even intelligent people can be vulnerable. A brief outline of the book is as follows:Author's Preface: Alien Landscapes, Secret Societies The "alien world-view" of the cult is examined, and discussion explains the view that "alienation" is a plus, a good thing. The cult appeals largely to the distraught, the young, minorities, and others who might be already confused and alienated. These unhappy people are special "target groups" for cult-conversion. The separation of members from usual society is a psychological tool used to cause members to identify with the inner cult-society, which is isolated and insulated from general society, and comes to see all outsiders as bad, ignorant, inferior, or unworthy.***Chapter 1/ We Are Not Everyday People: Hatred of the "Satanic" World People need to feel special and superior, and this need is abused by drawing people into a world-hating and tightly-knit group who see themselves as the "chosen ones." Being "godly" makes the rest of the world, by contrast, appear "Satanic" or evil. "Everyone who is really good has already joined our group, or will soon do so. So, anyone who does not join is bad."***Chapter 2/ Strict Obedience to Jehovah: Avoiding "Evil Spirits" and Everybody Else The world is unclean because it is ruled by Satan, who has a plethora of "evil spirits" who permeate every institution and mind outside the cult. This makes outsiders dangerous, since nothing is more dangerous than a demon, who might attack and even possess you. So, a gigantic, relentless fear of the world and of all non-members is the result.***Chapter 3/ Conversion and the Destructive Process of Personality Dismantling Before a person can be truly "converted," her personality must be destroyed, dismantled, or erased. A number of seriously harmful techniques are used to "remold" a normal person into a cult-member, who will not only fight, but will die, for her religion. The cult then becomes the supreme good, if not the only good. Its teachings are holy and unquestionable.***Chapter 4/ Satan, Satan Everywhere: A Devil of a Story To make sure that the member avoids all normal social pursuits, and all non-members as potential friends, she is terrified by warnings that Satan is interested in personally attacking and destroying her and her faith. The Lord of darkness will use apparently "innocent" things and people to do this; he is subtle, invisible, and experienced. One is never to assume that he is absent.***Chapter 5/ A "One of a Kind" Religion: Beliefs Designed to make JW's Feel Special Some beliefs have nothing to do with religion or spirituality, but are embraced and adopted simply so that JW's can feel "special." These concepts make them feel different and unique. This appeals mainly to people who do not really stand out due to intelligence, passion, or giftedness. This appeals strongly to people who feel that they are personally ordinary or even worthless, and serves as "compensation" for low self-esteem. Housewives, farmers, and factory-workers become the "only enlightened" people, and the "saviors of the world."***Chapter 6/ You and Me Against the World As the new member begins increasingly to be enfolded within the group, group-cohesion is increased until she feels that she could not function, or even survive with hope and meanin
Lesen Sie das Buch Jehovah Lives in Brooklyn: Jehovah's Witnesses as a Model of Fundamentalism (English Edition)
Facts the Watchtower Society doesn’t want you to know ~ Fully documented with photocopies of statements from rare Watchtower publications, this book reveals many facts the Watchtower Society tries to hide from Jehovah’s Witnesses and investigators of this religion.Click HERE to purchase a hard copy of this book for $9.99 / or Kindle for $2.99. A BUSY RELIGION As of 2010, there are over 7 million active Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, spending .
Organizational structure of Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia ~ Jehovah's Witnesses are organized hierarchically, and are led by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watch Tower Society's headquarters in Warwick, New York.The Governing Body, along with other "helpers", are organized into six committees responsible for various administrative functions within the global Witness community, including publication, assembly programs and .
Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia ~ Jehovah's Witnesses is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity. The group reports a worldwide membership of approximately 8.68 million adherents involved in evangelism and an annual Memorial attendance of over 20 million. Jehovah's Witnesses are directed by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders .
Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious ~ main page. Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement. 31.10.2020; geta; Comment; 293
Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious ~ Next » Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement. lake. 31.10.2020
Jehovah's Witnesses abuse the divine name YHWH of my God ~ Further, the English language did not have a letter "J" before about 1500 AD. For example, the very first edition of the KJV printed in 1611 AD, contained no "J". Not even one! Instead the letter "I" is used for Jew, Jesus, Joshua, Joanna, John AND the person pronoun "I". Instead these words were written in 1611 AD as, Iew, Iesus, Ioshua, Ioanna, Iohn. In a stunning admission, Jehovah's .
Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses? / About Jehovah - JW.ORG ~ Jehovah’s Witnesses honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. They are Christians who do their best to follow the example of Jesus Christ. Find out more about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Jehovahs Witnesses / Encyclopedia ~ Jehovah's Witnesses can be excommunicated for certain practices or observances that are an accepted part of modern, secular society. Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a weekly Sabbath. The leadership and governance structure of Jehovah's Witnesses is distinctive among twentieth-century religious movements. Those who belong to Jehovah's Witnesses are not called "members" in the normal sense of .
Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious ~ Jehovahs Witnesses Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement. Posted On 30.10.2020 by heqi .
Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs - Wikipedia ~ The beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of Charles Taze Russell—founder of the Bible Student movement—and successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and Nathan Homer Knorr. Since 1976 all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters.
The Da Vinci Code - Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists and ~ Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1891 Edition: Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1911 Edition "We find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B. C. 1542.This calculation shows A.D. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years A.D. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time .
Jehovah's Witnesses' handling of child sex abuse - Wikipedia ~ Various individuals, courts and the media around the world have raised concerns about the manner in which cases of child sexual abuse are handled when they occur in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. An independent 2009 study in Norway was critical of how Jehovah's Witnesses dealt with cases of child sexual abuse but stated there is no indication that the rate of sexual abuse among Jehovah .
Leaving the Witness: Exiting a Religion and Finding a Life ~ Leaving the Witness, witty and moving in turns, offers a rare look into the workings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as the various complications that prevent others from leaving despite their own doubts. Scorah, by untangling and exposing the mechanisms that once held her, offers a path for others to imagine new and unexpectedly hopeful futures for themselves, despite the fear and grief .
Frequently Asked Questions About Jehovah’s Witnesses ~ Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do? Also called the Last Supper or the Memorial of Christ’s Death, it is the most sacred event for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Consider what the Bible says about this occasion.
New Boy: Life and Death at the World Headquarters of the ~ Many Jehovah's Witnesses who volunteered to serve in Watchtower's Bethel - depending on what departments they were assigned to and the time periods they were there - give vastly different views of what their lives were like. But for the most part, life at Bethel was not a paradise, but ranged between a manageable "purgatory" or a living "hell." Keith's was more "hell" than anything else - but .