Buch Systema Locks, Holds & Throws
Beschreibung Systema Locks, Holds & Throws
Martial arts include striking, kicking and weapons techniques. But what happens when we are called on to subdue an attacker without injuring them? Grappling is probably the oldest form of martial art, from which developed many methods to restrain people. This book details the Systema approach to locks, holds and throws.It outlines basic bio-mechanics, shows the relevance of the Four Pillars, then uses simple techniques to teach you how to apply the major principles to your work. It also shows how to utilise items such as chairs and clothing, ways to work with a partner, pain compliance, countering and escapes, drills to refine your skills and clear methods to help you progress into internal work. Far more than a textbook of rote techniques, this book is packed with practical exercises, fully illustrated, with clear and concise instructions based on scientific understanding and personal experience."Rob Poyton has been training and teaching Systema since 2000. He is a dedicated and talented instructor, knowledgeable on all of the key components of Systema. Rob presents his teaching in a clear and structured manner through his classes and reading materials." - Vladimir Vasiliev, October 2019
Systema Locks, Holds & Throws PDF ePub
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