Buch lesen Last Resort: Migration and the Middle East
Beschreibung Last Resort: Migration and the Middle East
The Middle East sits at a crossroads of migration: millions relocate as migrant workers and students. The history of the region includes numerous periods of forcible displacement and migration continues to change and shape the region. How is migration affecting religious communities? How are the region’s Christians, as well as others of goodwill, responding to the opportunities created by the disruption? Why are Middle Eastern church leaders asking Christians to stay in the region?This book offers credible reasons why emigration should be the option of last resort.
Last Resort: Migration and the Middle East ebooks
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Migrant worker, Israeli-born 10-year-old daughter detained ~ A 10-year-old Israeli-born girl and her mother, a migrant worker from the Philippines, were detained Tuesday in Tel Aviv by immigration officers ahead of deportation. The mother, Marina, who has worked in Israel as a caretaker, was apprehended in the morning, while her daughter, Eden, a fifth-grade student, was stopped on her way back from school.
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Elektromigration – Wikipedia ~ Unter Elektromigration (EM) versteht man einen Materialtransport durch allmähliche Bewegung von Ionen in einem festen Leiter, der durch den elektrischen Strom verursacht wird. Kollisionen von Elektronen mit den Ionen und in geringerem Maß auch das elektrische Feld üben eine Kraft auf die Ionen aus, weshalb sie während eines Diffusionsschrittes bevorzugt in eine bestimmte Richtung wandern ().
UN migration agency: 74 drown after boat capsizes near Libya ~ In these photos taken Nov. 12, 2020, life jackets litter the beach off the coast of Libya near the port of al-Khums. Several migrants drowned after their Europe-bound ship broke down off the coast of Libya on Thursday, the U.N. migration agency said, in the latest in a series of at least eight shipwrecks in the Central Mediterranean since last month.
List of Middle Eastern countries by population - Wikipedia ~ Demographics of the Middle East. References [ edit ] ^ Calculated, when available, from the latest national censuses or most recent official estimates (many of which are cited in their respective column), using the exponential formula shown on the List of countries by past and future population article.
Edward Said – Wikipedia ~ Edward William Said, eigentlich Edward Wadie Saïd (arabisch إدوارد وديع سعيد, DMG Idwārd Wadīʿ Saʿīd, * 1. November 1935 in Jerusalem, Völkerbundsmandatsgebiet Palästina; † 25. September 2003 in New York City), war ein US-amerikanischer Literaturtheoretiker und -kritiker palästinensischer Herkunft. Sein im Jahr 1978 erschienenes Buch Orientalismus, zählt gemeinhin zu .
Executive Briefing The Future of Jobs and Skills in the ~ The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region1 is endowed with a young, growing and increasingly well-educated population that can significantly enhance the region’s future growth trajectory. The region’s population is projected to increase by more than a quarter by 2030, and a significant proportion of that population will be of prime working-age (Figure 1). The potential of this large .
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