Pdf lesen Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) (English Edition)
Georgia Harkness (1891-1974) was a Methodist theologian and the first American woman to teach theology at the seminary level. A leader in the ecumenical movement, Harkness strove to make theology accessible to the laity. This book is a compilation of writing from early in her career that appeared in publications such as The Christian Century, Religion in Life, and Christendom. Although her theology shifted somewhat during these years, Harkness held fast to her belief that liberal theology would remain "the basic American theology," a prediction that was out of step in the 1930s but is growing more credible today. The Library of Theological Ethics series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important and otherwise unavailable texts in easily accessible form. Volumes in this series will enable sustained dialogue with predecessors through reflection on classic works in the field.
Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) (English Edition) ebooks
Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian ~ Ă‚"A Georgia Harkness reader is long overdue, and now we have a stellar one. Rebekah Miles' reader gives us the liberal, gospel-centered, pacifist, and ecumenical essence of Harkness, emphasizing her evangelical liberal theology.Ă‚" Gary Dorrien, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary, New York and Author of The Making of American Liberal Theology
Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian ~ Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) - Kindle edition by Miles, Rebekah. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics).
Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian ~ Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) book download Georgia Elma Harkness Download Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) Methodist theologian Georgia Harkness. : Georgia Harkness: The Remaking of a Liberal Theologian (Library of Theological Ethics) (9780664226671): Rebekah Miles:.
Georgia Harkness: For Such a Time as This by Rosemary ~ Georgia Harkness: For Such a Time as This by Rosemary Skinner Keller (1992-04-01) on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Georgia Harkness: For Such a Time as This by Rosemary Skinner Keller (1992-04-01)
What Christians Believe: Harkness, Georgia: 9781501853890 ~ Georgia Harkness contributed much during the mid-twentieth century to the clarification of beliefs for people throughout the church. In this volume she summarizes the Christian faith so that the typical individual can find firm ground on which to stand during trying times. She summarizes what Christians believe about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. She explains .
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Personalism - Wikipedia ~ Personalism is an intellectual stance that emphasizes the importance of human persons.Various conceptualizations have been explored [by whom?], so personalism exists in many different versions, and this makes it somewhat difficult to define as a philosophical and theological movement. Friedrich Schleiermacher first used the term personalism (German: Personalismus) in print in 1799.
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Gary Dorrien - Wikipedia ~ Gary John Dorrien (born March 21, 1952) is an American social ethicist and theologian.He is the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York and Professor of Religion at Columbia University, both in New York City, and the author of 18 books on ethics, social theory, philosophy, theology, politics, and intellectual history.
Hope of the World / Hymnary ~ Georgia Elma Harkness (1891-1974), first woman to teach theology in an American seminary, was once a household name, but few today know who she is–and all of her writings are out of print. We need to recover the work of this neglected theologian for the life of the church today. Born 21 April 1891, Harkness was the youngest of four children born to Joseph Warren Harkness and Lillie Merrill .
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