Living Systema.A guide to getting out of the chair, out of the gym and back to a natural level of health, skill, fitness and wellbeing. Do you ever get bored with the same routines? Hate gyms? Struggle to find time to train? Live with constant pain or niggling injuries? Then this book is for you. Sometimes the best opportunity to train is when you haven't got time to train. This book is about finding those moments in everyday life. It is about making existence your training. Mindful and creative application of the key principles of breathing, movement, relaxation and posture in everyday life will transform you. Living Systema illustrates 30 such opportunities to encourage us to move, breathe and live more and better in everyday activities. The methods outlined in this book have worked for thousands of people from athletes, to fighters, to people recovering from illness and injury and especially for everyday people struggling with motivation and time. Among other things the methods will: Unlock and release tension and stress. Improve balance, strength, coordination and skill. Improve awareness and observational skills. Increase resilience to injury. Reviews for Matt Hill's other Systema books-- Absolutely excellent from start to finish. Anyone wishing to build core whilst identifying tension and removing it by relaxation and breathing exercises will find this book invaluable. Systema, the study of movement is vital for survival and well-being. Matt Hill has encapsulated everything you will ever need from a work out, free from gyms, weights or distraction and it's all in one book. Brilliant! - Amazon review. Just the "breathwork" gave me instant results! That alone makes this book an essential! - Amazon review. Matt Hill is a strong and caring person, a talented instructor and a very experienced professional. His Systema shows great skill and understanding. I highly recommend training with Matt for people of all ages. - Vladimir Vasiliev. Matt Hill teaches at his Systema Academy in England and at seminars around the world. Matt is a Systema Instructor, a 5th Degree black belt in Aikido and an ex-Parachute Regiment Captain. As well as being an author he also has a comprehensive Pivotshare video channel. Living Systema is Matt's third book. His two other books, Systema Health and Systema Combat, are best-sellers. Copyright (c) 2017 Matt Hill www.matthill.co.uk
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