Buch online God Without Dogma: ... a Path to Reclaiming Your Spiritual Life (English Edition)
Beschreibung God Without Dogma: ... a Path to Reclaiming Your Spiritual Life (English Edition)
This book is in the personal growth and spiritual self-help category. It is all about the ills of religious dogma and how a believer in God can be freed from it. More often than not, when fervent believers become disenchanted with their religious group, chucking it all is the response. These disillusions usually have very justifiable reasons, but because of the believers lack of knowledge, feelings of guilt, and the pressure from faithful peers, the separation is traumatic. However, this life-changing period can be turned into a rewarding spiritual experience and this is where this book comes in. It analyzes religious dogma, how it begins, what perpetuates it, and demonstrates how dogma is the result of man-made religious procedures that in time become God. The outcome of all the analysis is a path for the troubled believer to embrace a new and spiritual walk with God, one not imposed by others.
God Without Dogma: ... a Path to Reclaiming Your Spiritual Life (English Edition) PDF ePub
: God Without Dogma (9781413446333): Fruehauf ~ However, this life-changing period can be turned into a rewarding spiritual experience and this is where this book comes in. It analyzes religious dogma, how it begins, what perpetuates it, and demonstrates how dogma is the result of man-made religious procedures that in time become God. The outcome of all the analysis is a path for the troubled believer to embrace a new and spiritual walk .
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After Awareness: The End of the Path (English Edition ~ After Awareness: The End of the Path (English Edition) . Most books about spiritual paths are either instruction manuals, poetic descriptions of a worldview, or exposés. Greg Goode's first two books about the direct path fall primarily into the first category, instruction manuals. They give a detailed orientation to the path and sets of exercises for students to follow. Greg's latest book .
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