Buch online Chinese New Years: Discover 9 Hidden Facts About the Chinese New Year that You Never Knew!
Beschreibung Chinese New Years: Discover 9 Hidden Facts About the Chinese New Year that You Never Knew!
What You Didn't Know About the Chinese New Year Is in This Book! The Chinese New Year is certainly an interesting time of year, not just for those that celebrate it first-hand but for anyone to witness or observe as an important global phenomenon. The changing date of the holiday fluctuates from January to February on today's calendar because, as with all traditional Chinese holidays, it follows the lunar calendar. This tradition can be seen throughout parts of Asia and is not limited to just the mainland of China. Additionally, there are even other countries with a significant Chinese population that also observe this holiday and then there are other Asian cultures, such as Japan and Korea, that also celebrate this time of year. The Chinese New Year often times refers to the 15 days of celebration at the beginning of the traditional Chinese calendar and synonymous with the Chinese Spring Festival. However, at times the Chinese New Year can also just denote the first day, then the days leading up to the Lantern Festival (15 days after the New Year) is considered the Spring Festival. Generally, this book will just refer to it as the Chinese New Year for the entire festival season. Seven Reasons to Buy This Book It's Short and Informative - No Fluff!! This Book Is Straightforward and Gets to the Point It Has a Great Concept Learn What You Need to Know FAST! Don't Waste Hours Listening to Something That Won't Benefit You Specifically Written to Help and Benefit the Listener! The Best Compact Guide to Learn What You Need to Learn in a Short Period of Time
Chinese New Years: Discover 9 Hidden Facts About the Chinese New Year that You Never Knew! ebooks
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Chinese New Year in Australia - Time and Date ~ Many Chinese Australian families spend Chinese New Year by gathering together for a festive meal. Children often receive red envelopes with money ( Hong Bao , Ang Pao , or Lai See ). The Chinese New Year celebrations can last for about 15 days.
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Scientists discovered 71 new species this year. Here are ~ The quest for the unknown revealed exciting new discoveries this year. California Academy of Sciences researchers discovered 71 new animal and plant species in 2019.
Chinese New Year 2021 – Year of the Ox ~ Discover the traditions and taboos, dishes and drinks that are part of China's most important holiday, the Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival.
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