Buch Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics
Beschreibung Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics
How can those who seek to protect the "right to life" defend assassination in the name of saving lives? Carol Mason investigates this seeming paradox by examining pro-life literature—both archival material and writings from the front lines of the conflict. Her analysis reveals the apocalyptic thread that is the ideological link between established anti-abortion organizations and the more shadowy pro-life terrorists who subject clinic workers to anthrax scares, bombs, and bullets.The portrayal of abortion as "America's Armageddon" began in the 1960s. In the 1970s, Mason says, Christian politics and the post-Vietnam paramilitary culture popularized the idea that legal abortion is a harbinger of apocalypse. By the 1990s, Mason asserts, even the movement's mainstream had taken up the call, narrating abortion as an apocalyptic battle between so-called Christian and anti-Christian forces. "Pro-life violence of the 1990s signaled a move away from protest and toward retribution," she writes. "Pro-life retribution is seen as a way to restore the order of God. In this light, the phenomenon of killing for 'life' is revealed not as an oxymoron, but as a logical consistency and a political manifestation of religious retribution."Mason's scrutiny of primary sources (direct mail, internal memoranda, personal letters, underground manuals, and pro-life films, magazines, and novels) draws attention to elements of pro-life millennialism. Killing for Life is a powerful indictment of pro-life ideology as a coherent, mass-produced narrative that does not merely condone violence, but anticipates it as part of "God's plan."
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life ~ For many pro-life groups, this decision violated the sanctity of life, and Bush lost his credibility as a pro-life president. Many of the dissenters were those most invested in the apocalyptic narrative of abortion. American Life League immediately posted a scathing analysis of the president’s speech on its website and listed nine other groups that were critical of the decision, including .
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-life ~ Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics Carol Mason Limited preview - 2018. Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-life Politics Carol Mason Snippet view - 2002. Common terms and phrases. abortion clinics abortion providers according action American anti-abortion apocalyptic argue Army attacks baby become believe birth blood body bombing Bozell Bozell's .
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life ~ "Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro Life Politics" by Carol Mason. The main reason for buying this book was to try and understand the mindset and rational of the average pro lifer. The book was mentioned in another book I read about Eric Rudolph "Lone Wolf' by Maryanne Voller. It always seemed to me there was more going on in the pro life movement than just religious zealotry .
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life ~ "Pro-life violence of the 1990s signaled a move away from protest and toward retribution," she writes. "Pro-life retribution is seen as a way to restore the order of God. In this light, the phenomenon of killing for 'life' is revealed not as an oxymoron, but as a logical consistency and a political manifestation of religious retribution."
Killing for life : the apocalyptic narrative of pro-life ~ ISBN: 0801439205 9780801439209 0801488192 9780801488191: OCLC Number: 49576486: Description: viii, 251 pages ; 24 cm. Contents: Introduction : the productive power of apocalyptic narrative --New abortion warrior : from right-to-life rhetoric to paramilitary pro-life culture --From protest to retribution : the guerrilla politics of pro-life violence --Protection from and for the fetal citizen .
9780801488191: Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative ~ AbeBooks: Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics (9780801488191) by Mason, Carol and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
Killing for Life by Carol Mason / Waterstones ~ "Killing for Life is a groundbreaking analysis of the narrative and rhetorical strategies used by the 'prolife' movement in the U.S. Far from simply pointing to the absurdity or revulsive nature of various highly publicized prolife strategies (from murder of abortion-providers to throwing blood and alleged fetus parts on bystanders), Mason shows how this branch of the new right has radically .
Killing for Life by Carol A. Mason - Goodreads ~ Mason writes of anti-abortion groups with an "apocalyptic narrative" and a "paramilitary" fetish. I learned that some groups, the ones that work within normal liberal paradigms, focus on the "human rights" of the fetus, while others the kind in which Mason is most interested focus on holding sacred whatever God has created, independently of any concept of human rights, in which they may not .
: Customer reviews: Killing for Life: The ~ "Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro Life Politics" by Carol Mason. The main reason for buying this book was to try and understand the mindset and rational of the average pro lifer. The book was mentioned in another book I read about Eric Rudolph "Lone Wolf' by Maryanne Voller. It always seemed to me there was more going on in the pro life movement than just religious zealotry .
Abortion, Apocalypse, and "Killing for Life" / HuffPost ~ Scholar Carol Mason is the author of Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-life Politics. She has written and essay that makes some important points: Sunday’s murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas raises again the question of what it means to defend life through killing.
Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life ~ "Killing for Life is a groundbreaking analysis of the narrative and rhetorical strategies used by the 'prolife' movement in the U.S. Far from simply pointing to the absurdity or revulsive nature of various highly publicized prolife strategies (from murder of abortion-providers to throwing blood and alleged fetus parts on bystanders), Mason shows how this branch of the new right has radically reshaped the entire framework of political debate about the body and its use and women's right to .
The Middle Child / Request PDF ~ Download citation. Share . Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. Reddit . Request full-text. The Middle Child. Article in Contemporary Sociology 41(1):31-33 · January 2012 with 18 Reads How we measure .
When discourse defies belief: Anti-abortionists in ~ This article considers the role of the Australian anti-abortion movement in the discursive practices of the worldwide pro-life franchise. It is based on in-depth interviews with key members of the moment located in four similar organizations. It examines the ways in which they perceive their cause and the ways in which they might influence both public conversations about abortion and .
The narratives of offenders - Lois Presser, 2009 ~ Gergen, Mary (1992) `Life Stories: Pieces of a Dream', in George C. Rosenwald and Richard L. Ochberg (eds) Storied Lives: The Cultural Politics of Self-Understanding, pp. 127-44. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Google Scholar
Radicalized Margins: Eric Rudolph and Religious Violence ~ Through examining the rhetoric and actions of anti-abortion bomber Eric Rudolph, I question the centrality of religion when invocations of divine authority or apocalyptic narratives are conspicuously absent in his justificatory writings. I argue that other social, political, and strategic considerations are more significant in the emergence of a radicalized anti-abortion movement than religion .
William Marshner - Wikipedia ~ In her 2002 book Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-life Politics, scholar Carol Mason credited Marshner as one of the "architects of cultural conservatism", which was a distinctive form of conservatism emphasizing morality and "privileging culture over economics". Personal
The Impact of State Laws Protecting Abortion Clinics and ~ Since Roe v. Wade, most states have passed laws either restricting or further protecting reproductive rights. During a wave of anti-abortion violence in the early 1990s, several states also enacted legislation protecting abortion clinics, staff, and patients. One hypothesis drawn from the theoretical literature predicts that these laws provide a deterrent effect and thus fewer anti-abortion .
Apocalypse and Millennium by librarypennington - Issuu ~ Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s .
Reading Appalachia from Left to Right – Conservatives and ~ <p>In <i>Reading Appalachia from Left to Right</i>, Carol Mason examines the legacies of a pivotal 1974 curriculum dispute in West Virginia that heralded the rightward shift in American culture and politics. At a time when black nationalists and white conservatives were both maligned as extremists for opposing education reform, the wife of a fundamentalist preacher who objected to new language .
George Huntston Williams – Wikipedia ~ George Huntston Williams (auch George Hunston Williams; * 7.April 1914 in Huntsburg, Ohio; †6. Oktober 2000 in Cambridge (Massachusetts)) war einer der bedeutendsten unitarischen Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Leben und Wirken. George H. Williams war Professor fĂ¼r unitarische Theologie an der Divinity School der Harvard University.Er ist besonders durch seine historischen Arbeiten .