Pdf lesen Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies (Globethics.net Global, Band 3)
Beschreibung Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies (Globethics.net Global, Band 3)
Religions influence all sectors of society. To a great extent, this is true for the Protestant Genevan Reformer John Calvin (1509-1594) with his global influence and impact. His work is still highly relevant to today's economy. In his writings he emphasized on equitable markets and fair interests. In politics, he was an early door-opener for democracy, and he approached science with an open minded curiosity. His ethics is deeply rooted in his faith in the merciful and guiding Christian God. All human efforts should serve the glory of God. On the occasion of Calvin's 500th anniversary scholars from European, African and Asian countries analyze faith, ethics and today's influence and meaning of this famous reformer. The collection is a contribution to contextual and global ethics.
Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies (Globethics.net Global, Band 3) ebooks
Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies Globethics ~ Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies (Globethics Global, Band 3) / Stueckelberger, Christoph, Bernhardt, Reinhold / ISBN: 9782940428052 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Reinhold Bernhardt – Wikipedia ~ (gem. mit Christoph Stückelberger) Calvin global. How faith influences societies (Globethics series 3), Genf 2009. (gem. mit Klaus von Stosch) Komparative Theologie. Interreligiöse Vergleiche als Weg der Religionstheologie (Beiträge zu einer Theologie der Religionen 7), Zürich 2009. (gem. mit Perry Schmidt-Leukel) Interreligiöse Theologie. Chancen und Probleme (Beiträge zu einer .
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John Calvin / Biography, Beliefs, Accomplishments, & Facts ~ John Calvin, French Jean Calvin or Jean Cauvin, (born July 10, 1509, Noyon, Picardy, France—died May 27, 1564, Geneva, Switzerland), theologian and ecclesiastical statesman. He was the leading French Protestant reformer and the most important figure in the second generation of the Protestant Reformation.His interpretation of Christianity, advanced above all in his Institutio Christianae .
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Globalisierung – Wikipedia ~ Der Begriff Globalisierung bezeichnet den Vorgang, dass weltweite Verflechtungen in vielen Bereichen (Wirtschaft, Politik, Kultur, Umwelt, Kommunikation) zunehmen, und zwar zwischen Individuen, Gesellschaften, Institutionen und Staaten.. Der Begriff entstand wohl in den 1960er Jahren. Ab etwa 1986 erschienen zahlreiche deutschsprachige Bücher, die Globalisierung im Buchtitel verwendeten.
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