Ebook The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Complete Book of Dim-Mak: The Book of Dim-Mak
Beschreibung The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Complete Book of Dim-Mak: The Book of Dim-Mak
Contrary to popular myth, the original purpose of dim mak was not the training of assassins. It was an intensive study of the medical arts that incorporated the martial arts, and its ultimate goal was to heal, not to destroy. True to the intent of the ancient Chinese masters, here is an undiluted, holistic study of dim mak as both a martial and a healing art. Included are a historical overview of dim mak and Traditional Chinese Medicine, discussions of the physiological mechanism and medical risks of acupoint strikes, an indepth introduction to the classical 36 Chamber training program traditionally used to teach dim mak; detailed analyses of the medical and martial applications of each of the acupoints on the 12 main meridians, complete with detailed diagrams outlining each meridian system and its acupoint locations; and an introduction to herbal pharmacology, which was an integral part of traditional dim mak training. Appendices serve as quick reference guides to the activation method and results of selected point strikes. For academic study only.
Lesen Sie das Buch The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Complete Book of Dim-Mak: The Book of Dim-Mak
The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Complete Book of ~ The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Complete Book of Dim-Mak: The Book of Dim-Mak / A. Flane Walker, Richard C. Bauer / ISBN: 9781581603705 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak ~ The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak [Bauer, Rick, Walker, Flane] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak
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The Ancient Art of Life and Death The Book of Dim-Mak ~ The Ancient Art of Life and Death The Book of Dim-Mak. 31.10.2020 Posted by depub. The Ancient Art Of Life And Death The Book of Dim-Mak .
The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak ~ The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak: The Complete Book of Dim-Mak [Download]
The Book of Dim Mak: Revised and Updated: A. Flane Walker ~ The Ancient Art Of Life And Death: The Book of Dim-Mak Rick Bauer. 4.3 out of 5 stars 18. Paperback. 6 offers from $31.00. Next . Editorial Reviews From the Author. PALADIN INTERVIEW (January 22, 2014) 1. Why did you want to do a revision to your original book, Ancient Art of Life and Death? Did you get requests from readers of the original book to add specific topics? Walker & Bauer: When we .
Dim Mak â Wikipedia ~ Mit Dim Mak â Hochchinesisch Dianmai â oder âKunst der tödlichen BerĂŒhrungâ (chinesisch é»è / çčè, Pinyin diÇnmĂ i, Jyutping dim 2 mak 6 â âmit dem Finger auf den Meridian drĂŒckenâ) wird ein in mehreren asiatischen KampfkĂŒnsten postuliertes Konzept bezeichnet bei dem durch Druck, einen StoĂ oder Schlag sogenannte Nervendruckpunkte des Gegners angegriffen werden sollen .
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Download The Tibetan Book of the Dead Free pdf ebook ~ The Tibetan Book of the Dead â or the Bardo Thodol is the English translation of the famous Tibetan death text, The Great Liberation upon Hearing in the Intermediate State. Bardo Thodol means âliberation by hearing on the after death planeâ, it was originally written in Tibetan and is meant to be a guide for those who have died as they transition from their former life to a new destination.
10 Ancient Books That Promise Supernatural Powers - Listverse ~ 10 Ancient Books That Promise Supernatural Powers. K.Fane. Humankind has long dabbled in the supernatural, lured by the promise of obtaining power and enlightenment. Several texts have been devoted to this practice, outlining complicated and mysterious rituals that were presented as the key to achieving communion with otherworldly spirits. 10 Greek Magical Papyri. Photo credit: Glasgow .
Book of the Dead / ancient Egyptian text / Britannica ~ Book of the Dead, ancient Egyptian collection of mortuary texts made up of spells or magic formulas, placed in tombs and believed to protect and aid the deceased in the hereafter. Probably compiled and reedited during the 16th century bce, the collection included Coffin Texts dating from c. 2000 bce, Pyramid Texts dating from c. 2400 bce, and other writings.
Touch of Death - Wikipedia ~ Little scientific or historical evidence exists for a martial arts "touch of death", . A 1986 book on qi identifies dim mak as "one of the secret specialities" of wing chun. However, this matter is not identified in the ving tsun kin kut and traditional practitioners of ving tsun (wing chun) take no stance in the matter. [citation needed] During the late 1980s, Erle Montaigue (1949â2011 .
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Battlefield Pankration: The Book: Lethal Personal Combat ~ This book, focuses on the hardcore personal self-defense aspects of this art, which is called "pammachon." This is the battle field art and includes only those techniques that will take an enemy out in a life and death combat situation. This is a large book 260 page volume that teaches the basics of this street combat art. It is comprehensive .
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The Dreaming / Australian Aboriginal mythology / Britannica ~ The Dreaming, also called dream-time, or world dawn Australian Aboriginal languages altjira, altjiranga, alcheringa, wongar, or djugurba, mythological period of time that had a beginning but no foreseeable end, during which the natural environment was shaped and humanized by the actions of mythic beings. Many of these beings took the form of human beings or of animals (âtotemicâ); some .
[PDF] Books Martial Arts Dim Mak Free Download ~ Martial Arts Dim Mak Martial Arts Dim Mak by Joel Ivan Cardenas Amarillas. Download it Martial Arts Dim Mak books also available in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format for read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Dim Mak the power of ancient self-defense arts at your fingertips it's time to learn from this incredible martial art has no waste try your exercises and you will see the .