Buch lesen Energetic Questions: Life's Simple Answers (English Edition)
Beschreibung Energetic Questions: Life's Simple Answers (English Edition)
"This book can potentially guide you in answering your deepest, inquisitive questions about life and the meaning of your life.".........On a stormy, snowy winter day in 1997,
I was at home meditating in my living room, enjoying the weather elements at play. At the end of my meditation, I began to feel the room getting warmer. I looked out the window and noticed glorious sun rays bursting through the clouds, creating a glistening sparkle of light on the snow.
It was breathtakingly beautiful.Knowing how powerful the energy of the five elements is, I decided that it would be a perfect time to walk up the summit behind the house to do a meditation. The plateau on top of the hill provided all five elements in one location. I noticed the
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space surrounding me.In this wide open space, you could see for miles, overlooking surrounding areas. It truly felt as though I was on top of the world. A gentle wind was blowing through the trees and the air smelled fresh, crisp and clean. You could almost see the ions dancing in the air. With every breath I took, I felt an expansion in my energy body. As I exhaled, I could feel stored up tension release from my physical and emotional body. Looking over the snow covered branches of the nearby Garry Oaks, I noticed the snow was melting into water crystals that were glittering with rainbow sparkles. The energy from the sun was warming up every cell in my body. I could see the heat rise from the trees as I watched in awe how the melting snow swirled into a ring around the trunk of the tree. It was a magnificent sight.
While experiencing the beauty of the five elements, I walked toward my normal meditation spot to practice my Energetic Chi Kung. I felt a sense of being completely grounded on top of the summit.
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