Buch The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences
Beschreibung The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences
The al-Qaeda Franchise asks why al-Qaeda adopted a branching-out strategy, introducing seven franchises spread over the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. After all, transnational terrorist organizations can expand through other organizational strategies. Forming franchises was not an inevitable outgrowth of al-Qaeda's ideology or its U.S.-focused strategy. The efforts to create local franchises have also undermined one of al-Qaeda's primary achievements: the creation of a transnational entity based on religious, not national, affiliation. The book argues that al-Qaeda's branching out strategy was not a sign of strength, but instead a response to its decline in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Franchising reflected an escalation of al-Qaeda's commitments in response to earlier strategic mistakes, leaders' hubris, and its diminished capabilities. Although the introduction of new branches helped al-Qaeda create a frightening image far beyond its actual capabilities, ultimately this strategy neither increased the al-Qaeda threat, nor enhanced the organization's political objectives. In fact, the rise of ISIS from an al-Qaeda branch to the dominant actor in the jihadi camp demonstrates how expansion actually incurred heavy costs for al-Qaeda. The al-Qaeda Franchise goes beyond explaining the adoption of a branching out strategy, also exploring particular expansion choices. Through nine case studies, it analyzes why al-Qaeda formed branches in some arenas but not others, and why its expansion in some locations, such as Yemen, took the form of in-house franchising (with branches run by al-Qaeda's own fighters), while other locations, such as Iraq and Somalia, involved merging with groups already operating in the target arena. It ends with an assessment of al-Qaeda's future in light of the turmoil in the Middle East, the ascendance of ISIS, and US foreign policy.
The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences ebooks
Book Review: The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al ~ the franchise concept from Big Macs to Bin Laden, Barak Mendelsohn’s The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and its Consequences highlights the value of a theoretical approach to the question of how and why terrorist organisations decide to expand. Whatever the organisation, decisions about whether or not to open a new franchise
The al-Qaeda Franchise eBook by Barak Mendelsohn ~ The al-Qaeda Franchise asks why al-Qaeda adopted a branching-out strategy, introducing seven franchises spread over the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. After all, transnational terrorist organizations can expand through other organizational strategies. Forming franchises was not an inevitable outgrowth of al-Qaeda's ideology or its U.S.-focused strategy.
The al-Qaeda Franchise: Mendelsohn, Barak: 9780190205614 ~ "The al-Qaeda Franchise offers a superb exploration of the causes, nature, and consequences of the expansion strategy of one of the principal terrorist threats of modern times. Combining deep subject matter expertise with high standards of social scientific inquiry, Mendelsohn's thorough and timely study offers new insights that will be sure to garner the attention of policymakers, academics, and general readers concerned with the evolutionary processes of transnational terrorist .
The Al Qaeda Franchise The Expansion Of Al Qaeda And Its ~ Descargar The Al Qaeda Franchise The Expansion Of Al Qaeda And Its Consequences/ PDF Gratis español. PDF Libros electrónicos gratuitos en todos los formatos para Android Apple y Kindle. Descargar ebooks gratis para llevar y leer en cualquier lugar.
Book Review: The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al ~ Request PDF / On Feb 1, 2018, Emeka Thaddues Njoku published Book Review: The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and its Consequences68.1531 MendelsohnBarak — The Al-Qaeda Franchise .
The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its ~ "The al-Qaeda Franchise offers a superb exploration of the causes, nature, and consequences of the expansion strategy of one of the principal terrorist threats of modern times. Combining deep subject matter expertise with high standards of social scientific inquiry, Mendelsohn's thorough and timely study offers new insights that will be sure to garner the attention of policymakers, academics, and general readers concerned with the evolutionary processes of transnational terrorist actors."
Book Review: The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al ~ Book Review: The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and its Consequences by Barak Mendelsohn
Jihadology - Al-Qaeda's Franchising Strategy on Stitcher ~ Barak Mendelsohn comes on the show to discuss his new book, The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Some of the topics covered include: How organizations expand Why AQ decided to branch out and the strategy behind that decision AQ’s choices on where to expand Case studies on AQ’s different branches Links The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and .
Jihadology - Al-Qaeda's Franchising Strategy / Listen via ~ Listen to Jihadology episodes free, on demand. Barak Mendelsohn comes on the show to discuss his new book, The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Some of the topics covered include: How organizations expand Why AQ decided to branch out and the strategy behind that decision AQ’s choices on where to expand Case studies on AQ’s different branches Links The al .
Jihadology Podcast: al-Qaeda's Franchising Strategy - Lawfare ~ Barak Mendelsohn comes on the show to discuss his new book, The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Some of the topics covered include: How organizations expand; Why AQ decided to branch out and the strategy behind that decision
How al Qaeda Works / Foreign Affairs ~ Because al Qaeda will continue to encourage its branch and franchises to carry out attacks and will continue to use the reactions they provoke to pursue its goals, it is important that the strategic picture of al Qaeda accurately reflect the organization's broad operating dynamics instead of wishful thinking about the central organization's degraded capacity. A large attack tomorrow .
Combating Jihadism: American Hegemony and Interstate ~ The al-Qaeda Franchise asks why al-Qaeda adopted a branching-out strategy, introducing seven franchises spread over the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. After all, transnational terrorist organizations can expand through other organizational strategies. Forming franchises was not an inevitable outgrowth of al-Qaeda's ideology or its U.S.-focused strategy. The efforts to create local .
20+ Best Al qaeda images in 2020 / al qaeda, this or that ~ Jul 26, 2020 - Explore Store's board "Al qaeda", followed by 141 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Al qaeda, This or that questions, Palestine history.
Experts Weigh In: What is the future of al-Qaida and the ~ The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. Barak Mendelsohn: Al-Qaida attacked the U.S. homeland on 9/11, unprepared for what would follow. There was a strong .
The jihadi threat to international order - The Washington Post ~ He is the author of “The al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences” (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) and “Combating Jihadism: American Hegemony and Intertstae .
London School of Economics and Political Science / bpb ~ Shifting the franchise concept from Big Macs to Bin Laden, Barak Mendelsohn’s The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and its Consequences highlights the value of a theoretical approach to the question of how and why terrorist organisations decide to expand."
Finances and Networks of Al-Qaeda Terrorists ~ Experts on al-Qaeda believe that bin Laden still uses his own funds and runs its own businesses that deals in conflict diamonds and the international drug trade and other multiple resources [[4]] The 9/11 Commission itself, has admitted that the lack of credible evidence regarding such activities might be due to a continuing lack of hard intelligence regarding al Qaeda finances.
Explaining Al Qaeda’s Decline / The Journal of Politics ~ The Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda. By Fawaz A. Gerges. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Evolution of an Insurgency. By Charles R. Lister. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. The Al-Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences. By Barak Mendelsohn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Daniel Byman; Daniel .
The voice of Al Qaeda - Hausarbeiten / Hausarbeiten ~ The voice of Al Qaeda. An analysis of its propaganda and media strategies - Politik - Essay 2007 - ebook 7,99 € - Hausarbeiten
The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the ~ The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Evolution of an Insurgency: : Lister, Charles R.: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher