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Beschreibung Growing Up Church of Christ (English Edition)
An insightful look at life inside a conservative evangelical community—the Church of Christ.Growing up in a big church in a small town, Mike S. Allen’s thoughts and stories come from his unique perspective as the son of a famous preacher. Some of his memories are fond and some are, naturally, conflicted.The narrative also includes sharing from dozens of other believers who talk about their experiences in a place where folks sometimes held strong, heaven-or-hell opinions about various doctrines.Sprinkled with wit and wisdom, Growing Up Church of Christ is a memory book that eventually leads to a crossroad: remain in the church of one’s youth or take strides in a different direction?Reviews:“A narrative with funny, poignant memories.” —Kirkus Reviews“Speaking as one who ‘grew up Church of Christ,’ author Mike Allen has crafted a written time capsule that literally transported me back to childhood in a single evening. His superb collection of personal vignettes is delivered in a heartwarming and vulnerable style that taps into a wide range of emotions from laughter to tears — at times in but a single page. I read it in one sitting and enjoyed every minute.” —Dr. Joe Alexander, associate dean of The Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business, Belmont University“In Growing Up Church of Christ, Mike Allen strikes a unique balance. He manages to give us a fun and nostalgic trip back to our youth, while at the same time provoking thought on some weighty matters.” —Steve Lake, regional director of advancement, Harding University
Growing Up Church of Christ (English Edition) PDF ePub
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Growing Up Church of Christ: Allen, Mike S.: 9780615514819 ~ An insightful look at life inside a conservative evangelical community—the Church of Christ. Growing up in a big church in a small town, Mike S. Allen’s thoughts and stories come from his unique perspective as the son of a famous preacher. Some of his memories are fond and some are, naturally, conflicted.
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