Ebook The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: Extremism, Society, and the State
Beschreibung The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: Extremism, Society, and the State
How the state, education, society, and religion interlock and interact to create an environment in which jihadism thrives in Pakistan. What explains the continued growth of extremism in Pakistan? This question is of more than academic interest, given the ongoing militant actions in that country —as well as in Afghanistan, India and elsewhere — of extremist groups based in Pakistan. Madiha Afzal has dug into the question with in-depth field research, rigorous analysis of survey data and her own intuitive understanding of the country.The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan examines Pakistanis’ attitudes toward religion, religious minorities, and jihad, as well as the central narratives that define their views of the rest of the world. It then traces the role of education—the lack of access to it and the poor quality and biased curricula of both the mainstream education system and religious schools—in shaping how Pakistanis think, often in self-destructive ways.Afzal looks at other factors that explain attitudes toward extremism in Pakistan. These include the role of the government and politics, especially the state's relationship with Islamist parties and militant groups; social structures and the country's ever-present conspiracy theories; religion; the loud and unruly media environment; the geopolitics of South Asia; and Pakistan's unique and tortured birth.Pakistan certainly is not the only country where jihadist extremism has emerged and Afzal draws out the lessons from Pakistan's experience that contribute to an understanding of the roots of extremist attitudes and violent extremism globally.
The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: Extremism, Society, and the State Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: ~ The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: : Madiha Afzal: Fremdsprachige BĂĽcher. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken BĂĽcher (Fremdsprachig) Los Suche DE Hallo! Anmelden Konto und Listen Anmelden Konto und Listen Bestellungen Entdecken Sie Prime Einkaufs-wagen .
Roots Of Jihadist Extremism In Pakistan Download ~ The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan examines Pakistanis attitudes toward religion, religious minorities, and jihad, as well as the central narratives that define their views of the rest of the world. It then traces the role of education--the lack of access to it and the poor quality and biased curricula of both the mainstream education system and religious schools--in shaping how .
The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: Extremism ~ The Roots of Jihadist Extremism in Pakistan: Extremism, Society, and the State: Afzal, Madiha: .sg: Books
Pakistan’s fight against terrorism inside its borders ~ Since the birth of Pakistan, it has been subjected to different fights to maintain its status. With all its struggles, finding peace for the valley, and balancing its economy, the country has faced many turbulences. It has proven itself against all sorts of malicious endeavors. Some that had the potential to harm its name in the international society.
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(PDF) Extremism in Contemporary Pakistan: Threats, Causes ~ Since Pakistan"s establishment as a distinct state in 1947, Pakistan has struggled with the connotation of its identity. General Zia, who tumbled the government of Z. A. Bhutto in 1977, used Islam .
Pakistan Under Siege - Brookings ~ “Pakistan Under Siege: Extremism, Society, and the State, by the young academic Madiha Afzal, is a remarkably clear, concise, and accessible attempt to dismantle assumptions common among .
Pakistan Under Siege: Extremism, Society, and the State ~ In this book, using rigorous analysis of survey data, in-depth interviews in schools and universities in Pakistan, historical narrative reporting, and her own intuitive understanding of the country, Madiha Afzal gives the full picture of Pakistan’s relationship with extremism.</p><p>The author lays out Pakistanis’ own views on terrorist groups, on jihad, on religious minorities and non .
The making of terrorism in Pakistan: Historical and social ~ Download Citation / The making of terrorism in Pakistan: Historical and social roots of extremism / This book explains the origins and nature of terrorism in Pakistan and examines the social .
Religious extremism and terrorism in Pakistan ~ Religious extremism and terrorism in Pakistan Globally, the image of Pakistan has been distorted because of its nuclear policy, support for Taliban government and a lack of democratic credentials . Share: Share. Tweet. Saqib Warraich. 1:40 AM / December 27, 2016. Pakistan was created in the name of religion but the aim was not to turn it into a theocratic state, since most of the founding .
Jihadist extremism in the United States - Wikipedia ~ Jihadist extremism in the United States . Faisal Shahzad is a naturalized American citizen from Pakistan and received bomb training from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan; his plot to detonate a bomb in New York's Times Square was discovered only after the bomb failed. Zachary Chesser converted to Islam after high school and began to spread extremism over the internet. He was arrested attempting .
Pakistan′s Islamization - before and after dictator Zia-ul ~ Asia Pakistan's Islamization - before and after dictator Zia-ul Haq. Many people in Pakistan blame former dictator General Zia-ul Haq for the rise of extremism in their country.
Exploiting Disorder - al-Qaeda and the Islamic State ~ resurgent as foreign troops draw down from Afghanistan, and Pakistani groups in-cluding sectarian movements, tribal militant s fighting the central state and Kashmir- or Afghanistan-focused elements aligned to its military establishment – comprise an evolving South Asian jihadist scene. The roots of this expansion defy generic description .
Attacks in France put Islamist extremism back in spotlight ~ Many of the factors in the surge in violence of a few years ago have gone but some still remain Last modified on Fri 30 Oct 2020 00.37 EDT The “vision of horror” in Nice, as police described .
Pakistan Under Siege: Extremism, Society, and the State ~ Pakistan Under Siege: Extremism, Society, and the State - Kindle edition by Afzal, Madiha. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Pakistan Under Siege: Extremism, Society, and the State.
Praying for Pakistan / Foreign Affairs ~ Madiha Afzal, a young Pakistani economist, details the rise of religious extremism in Pakistan and explains how the state has been both complicit in extremist violence and victimized by it. She offers a useful survey of the many pressures—cultural, religious, economic—that add to social and political instability in Pakistan. One of the ironies that emerges is that although commentators .
Terror in the Terroir / Foreign Affairs ~ The roots of France’s problem with terrorism lie in a complex mixture of religion, social pressures, and alienation. But the solutions need not be so convoluted. Better policing, coordination, and community outreach can all make the jihadist threat less lethal.
Anatomy of terror: What makes normal people become ~ The key to combating extremism lies in addressing its social roots, and intervening early, before anyone becomes a “devoted actor” willing to lay down their lives for a cause, says Scott Atran .
Jihadism - Wikipedia ~ Jihadism (also known as jihadist movement, jihadi movement, and variants) is a 21st-century neologism found in Western languages to describe militant Islamic movements perceived "existentially threatening" to the West, and "rooted in political Islam". It has been described as a "difficult term to define precisely", because it remains a recent neologism with no single, generally accepted meaning.