Buch lesen Standing Forth: Collected Essays of Roger Nicole: Collected Writings of Roger Nicole
Beschreibung Standing Forth: Collected Essays of Roger Nicole: Collected Writings of Roger Nicole
Long regarded as one of the preeminent theologians in America, Roger Nicole has devoted a lifetime to teaching and defending the orthodox belief on issues under attack including the inspiration of scripture, the nature of the atonement, the existence of hell, and more recently the openness of God issue.
Standing Forth: Collected Essays of Roger Nicole: Collected Writings of Roger Nicole PDF ePub
: Standing Forth (9781857926460): Nicole, Roger ~ Standing Forth is a collection of his most important essays and articles covering many topics (the doctrine of God, the five points of Calvinism, marriage, universalism, the preservation of the saints) but with a particular focus on the doctrines of Scripture and the Atonement. like B.B. Warfield before him, Professor Nicole seems 'constitutionally incapable of writing an unclear sentence'. His grasp of the issues and ability to present them with pristine clarity and simplicity are sure .
Roger Nicole - Wikipedia ~ Roger R. Nicole (December 10, 1915 – December 11, 2010) was a native Swiss Reformed Baptist theologian and proponent of Christian egalitarianism and biblical inerrancy. He was an associate editor for the New Geneva Study Bible, assisted in the translation of the New International Version, and was a founding member of both the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy and the Evangelical .
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