The Encyclopedia Of Taekwon-Do Patterns is a unique series of books that feature the complete works of General Choi, Hong Hi; Creator of the Ch'ang Hon system of Taekwon-Do and founder of the International Taekwon-Do Federation; as well as the patterns further devised by some of his most talented and legendary pioneers; Grandmaster Park, Jung Tae and Grandmaster Kim, Bok Man. This 3 volume set is the only series of books in the world to feature all of the 25 patterns created by General Choi and his Taekwon-Do pioneers (including both Juche and Ko-Dang), as well as all 3 Saju exercises, the 6 Global Taekwon-Do Federation patterns developed by Grandmaster Park, Jung Tae and the Silla Knife Pattern instituted by Grandmaster Kim, Bok Man. Utilizing over 2000 photographs the student is shown in precise detail, each and every pattern from beginning to end, including useful tips on their performance and things unique to particular organisations (such as Kihap points etc.). Displayed in full step-by-step photographic detail, which displays not just the final move but the 'in-between' motions as well making each book ideal to learn or revise your patterns, no matter which organisation you belong to. Volume 2 takes the student of Taekwon-Do from Po-Eun (1st Dan) to Yoo-Sin (3rd Dan) and includes both Ko-Dang and Juche, as well as the Dan grade patterns required by the Global Taekwon-Do Federation (GTF). No matter which Taekwon-Do organisation you belong to, the Encyclopedia Of Taekwon-Do Patterns covers all you need to know to take you from White Belt to Taekwon-Do Master.
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THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF TAEKWON-DO PATTERNS, Vol 2: ~ THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF TAEKWON-DO PATTERNS, Vol 2 / Stuart Anslow Paul / ISBN: 9781906628178 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF TAEKWON-DO PATTERNS, Vol 3: ~ THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF TAEKWON-DO PATTERNS, Vol 3 / Anslow Paul, Stuart / ISBN: 9781906628185 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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