Buch Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence (English Edition)
Beschreibung Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence (English Edition)
From ISIS attacks to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Sacred Fury explores the connections between faith and violence in world religions. Author Charles Selengut looks at religion as both a force for peace and for violence, and he asks key questions such as how “religious” is this violence and what drives the faithful to attack in the names of their beliefs?Revised throughout, the third edition features new material on violence in Buddhism and Hinduism, the rise of ISIS, “lone wolf terrorists,” and more. This up-to-date edition draws on a variety of disciplines to comprehend forms of religious violence both historically and in the present day. The third edition of Sacred Fury is an essential resource for understanding the connections between faith and violence.
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence (English Edition) PDF ePub
Sacred Fury on Apple Books ~ Updated throughout, the third edition of the acclaimed Sacred Fury explores violence in world religion. Featuring new material on violence in Buddhism and Hinduism, the rise of ISIS, “lone wolf terrorists,” and more, this is an essential text for understanding the connections between religion and violence both historically and today.
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence: Selengut ~ Sacred Fury helps us understand one of the most disturbing and perplexing phenomena of modern life-the emergence of religious violence as a major factor in world affairs. Selengut surveys the literature in the field and rightly focuses on the idea of sacred war as religion's potent contribution to charged political encounters. He brings psychological perspectives to bear in helping us .
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence: Selengut ~ In this revised and expanded edition of Sacred Fury, Selengut surveys the rise of religious violence in world affairs, including lone wolf terrorism in Europe and the United States, the emergence of ISIS in the Middle East, and new forms of Buddhist violence in Southeast Asia. He brings psychological perspectives to bear in helping us understand how marginalized people, adopting religious .
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence by Charles ~ Sacred fury: Understanding Religious Violence provides a perspective on recent religious violence around the world that is scholarly and well documented but easy to read. It helps one understand the factors and motivations that lead to terrorism. This in turn helps reduce prejudice and stereotyping and increases the desire to respond with love and reason and not violence. Thus, the book is .
Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence by Charles ~ Start your review of Sacred Fury: Understanding Religious Violence. Write a review. Apr 11, 2012 Joshua Duffy rated it did not like it · review of another edition. I've no doubt Charles Selengut is a smart guy, really, I mean, he's articulate enough. But, he is unashamedly bias, and every paragraph in this one was a struggle. There are much better books out there on the subject of religious .
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