PDF Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy (Information Policy)
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How right-wing political entrepreneurs around the world use religious offenseboth given and takento mobilize supporters and marginalize opponents.In the United States, elements of the religious right fuel fears of an existential Islamic threat, spreading anti-Muslim rhetoric into mainstream politics. In Indonesia, Muslim absolutists urge suppression of churches and minority sects, fostering a climate of rising intolerance. In India, Narendra Modi's radical supporters instigate communal riots and academic censorship in pursuit of their Hindu nationalist vision. Outbreaks of religious intolerance are usually assumed to be visceral and spontaneous. But in Hate Spin, Cherian George shows that they often involve sophisticated campaigns manufactured by political opportunists to mobilize supporters and marginalize opponents. Right-wing networks orchestrate the giving of offense and the taking of offense as instruments of identity politics, exploiting democratic space to promote agendas that undermine democratic values. George calls this strategy hate spina double-sided technique that combines hate speech (incitement through vilification) with manufactured offense-taking (the performing of righteous indignation). It is deployed in societies as diverse as Buddhist Myanmar and Orthodox Christian Russia. George looks at the world's three largest democracies, where intolerant groups within India's Hindu right, America's Christian right, and Indonesia's Muslim right are all accomplished users of hate spin. He also shows how the Internet and Google have opened up new opportunities for cross-border hate spin.George argues that governments must protect vulnerable communities by prohibiting calls to action that lead directly to discrimination and violence. But laws that try to protect believers' feelings against all provocative expression invariably backfire. They arm hate spin agents' offense-taking campaigns with legal ammunition. Anti-discrimination laws and a commitment to religious equality will protect communities more meaningfully than misguided attempts to insulate them from insult.
Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy (Information Policy) PDF ePub
Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its ~ George calls this strategy “hate spin”—a double-sided technique that combines hate speech (incitement through vilification) with manufactured offense-taking (the performing of righteous indignation). It is deployed in societies as diverse as Buddhist Myanmar and Orthodox Christian Russia. George looks at the world’s three largest democracies, where intolerant groups within India’s Hindu right, America’s Christian right, and Indonesia’s Muslim right are all accomplished users of .
Download Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense ~ Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy (Information Policy) €/€#189358 in Books €/€ 2016-09-30 €/€Original language: English €/€ 9.00 x .69 x 6.00l, .0 €/€File type: PDF €/€ 328 pages / File size: 44.Mb I think that Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to .
Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its ~ George calls this strategy “hate spin”―a double-sided technique that combines hate speech (incitement through vilification) with manufactured offense-taking (the performing of righteous indignation). It is deployed in societies as diverse as Buddhist Myanmar and Orthodox Christian Russia. George looks at the world's three largest democracies, where intolerant groups within India's Hindu right, America's Christian right, and Indonesia's Muslim right are all accomplished users of hate .
Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and its ~ Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and its Threat to Democracy, by Cherian George. Press/Media: Expert comment
Download: Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense ~ Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy (Information Policy) by Cherian George accessibility Books LIbrary as well as its powerful features, including thousands and thousands of title from favorite author, along with the capability to read or download hundreds of boos on your pc or smartphone in minutes.
Review: Hate Spin, by Cherian George / THE Books ~ Hate spin corrodes the civic values upon which democracy is built. If we are to turn the tide, journalism itself must share the responsibility. In an era marked by the “Fox News effect” of erroneous commentary parading as fact, and more mainstream news driven by frames of conflict and sensationalism, we must learn to embrace a more ethical form of journalism. Alongside this, George calls .
Hate Spin by Cherian George / Waterstones ~ George calls this strategy "hate spin"-a double-sided technique that combines hate speech (incitement through vilification) with manufactured offense-taking (the performing of righteous indignation). It is deployed in societies as diverse as Buddhist Myanmar and Orthodox Christian Russia. George looks at the world's three largest democracies, where intolerant groups within India's Hindu right, America's Christian right, and Indonesia's Muslim right are all accomplished users of hate spin. He .
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Best Books 2016 : Publishers Weekly ~ Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and Its Threat to Democracy Cherian George (MIT) George urges readers who are considering contentious discussions of religious freedom to pause and examine who deploys the rhetoric of religion under attack and why, persuasively arguing that there is a distinction between actual hate speech and a manufactured form of indignation that he calls .
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Computational Propaganda: Political Parties, Politicians ~ Through their systematic and sober multi-country study, the authors push for evidence-based responses, to avoid the kind of moral panic that in many societies is leading to hasty and ill-conceived regulation." -Cherian George, Hate Spin: The Manufacture of Religious Offense and its Threat to Democracy
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