PDF The First Crusade: A New History
Beschreibung The First Crusade: A New History
Focusing particularly on the characters that drove this extraordinary campaign, and what drove them in turn, Tom Asbridge re-creates this fascinating period of history in a stunning narrative. Using the First Crusade as paradigm he then moves on to explore a range of themes and to challenge a number of assumptions -- among them the myth of well-armed crusader knights dominating the battlefield: in reality, poverty and starvation forced the knights of the First Crusade to chew dried pieces of leather and drink goats' blood for sustenance, while riding in to battle on oxen and donkeys. Compelling and enlightening in equal measure, and drawing on new research which has radically remoulded our understanding of the movement, THE FIRST CRUSADE is a major work by an outstanding young historian.
The First Crusade: A New History ebooks
The first crusade : a new history : Asbridge, Thomas S ~ In 1095, Pope Urban II delivered an electrifying speech that launched the First Crusade. In the largest mobilization since the fall of the Roman Empire, some 100,000 men took up the call, driven on by intense religious devotion, convinced that their struggle would earn them the reward of eternal paradise in Heaven. This book recounts a three-year adventure filled with barbarity: from the mobilization in Europe, where great waves of anti-Semitism resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews .
The First Crusade: A New History - Thomas S. Asbridge ~ On the last Tuesday of November 1095, Pope Urban II delivered an electrifying speech that launched the First Crusade. His words set Christendom afire. Some 100,000 men, from knights to paupers, took up the call--the largest mobilization of manpower since the fall of the Roman Empire. Now, in The First Crusade, Thomas Asbridge offers a gripping account of a titanic three-year adventure filled .
Peter Frankopan – Wikipedia ~ The First Crusade. The Call from the East. Belknap Press, Cambridge (Mass.) 2012. Deutsche Übersetzung von Norbert Juraschitz: Kriegspilger: Der erste Kreuzzug Rowohlt, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-7371-0003-8. The Silk Roads: A New History of the World. Bloomsbury, London 2015, ISBN 978-1-4088-3997-3.
Thomas Asbridge – Wikipedia ~ Bücher. mit Susan Edgington: Walter the Chancellor’s „The Antiochene Wars“: A Translation and Commentary. Ashgate, Aldershot 1999, S. 1–272., ISBN 1-84014-263-4. The Creation of the Principality of Antioch 1098–1130. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 2000. The First Crusade: A New History. Free Press, Simon & Schuster, London 2004. The Crusades: The War for the Holy Land. Simon .
The Concise History of the Crusades - Monique Villen ~ 2 The First Crusade 15 3 The Rise of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Second Crusade 35 4 The Decline of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade 61 5 The Fourth Crusade 93 6 Crusading at Home 115 7 The Fifth Crusade and the Crusade of Frederick II 135 8 The Crusades of St. Louis 155 9 The Later Crusades 173 10 The Legacy of the Crusades 197 Conclusion 207 Glossary 211 Select .
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