PDF Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies)
Beschreibung Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies)
Foreigners and Their Food explores how Jews, Christians, and Muslims conceptualize “us” and “them” through rules about the preparation of food by adherents of other religions and the act of eating with such outsiders. David M. Freidenreich analyzes the significance of food to religious formation, elucidating the ways ancient and medieval scholars use food restrictions to think about the “other.” Freidenreich illuminates the subtly different ways Jews, Christians, and Muslims perceive themselves, and he demonstrates how these distinctive self-conceptions shape ideas about religious foreigners and communal boundaries. This work, the first to analyze change over time across the legal literatures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, makes pathbreaking contributions to the history of interreligious intolerance and to the comparative study of religion.
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) PDF ePub
: Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing ~ : Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) (9780520286276): Freidenreich, David M.: Books
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in ~ Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) by David M. Freidenreich(2014-12-19) / David M. Freidenreich / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in ~ Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law David Freidenreich Abstract. This book explores how Jews, Christians, and Muslims conceptualize “us” and “them” through rules about the preparation of food by adherents of other religions and the act of eating with such outsiders. The book analyzes the significance of food to religious formation .
Foreigners and Their Food Constructing Otherness in Jewish ~ Foreigners and Their Food Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law. by David M. Freidenreich (Author) December 2014; First Edition; Hardcover $85.00, ÂŁ70.00 Paperback $34.95, ÂŁ29.00 eBook $34.95, ÂŁ29.00; Courses World Religions; Endowments S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies; Title Details. Rights .
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in ~ Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) - Kindle edition by Freidenreich, David M.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish .
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in ~ Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) (English Edition) eBook: David M. Freidenreich: : Tienda Kindle
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