PDF The Inquisition
Beschreibung The Inquisition
After the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars of south-west France in 1208, a Spanish monk - later canonized as St Dominic - took up the cudgels by establishing a kind of secret police to ferret out heresy - thus began the infamous Inquisition. Baigent and Leigh tell the whole extraordinary story, taking it on into the nineteenth century and showing how after the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility in 1870 the Vatican attempted to establish new authorities that were an intellectual equivalent of the Inquisition. The Inquisition offers a fascinating narrative account of one of the most influential and horrifying movements in the history of western Europe.
The Inquisition Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Inquisition (World History Series): ~ In "The Inquisition", Bachrach presents a short, concise overview of the infamous system from its foundings to its decline. The book is very readable and examines the inquisitorial judicial system, torture, and executions. The book mentions some of the more famous vicims such as Jeanne de Arc, Savanarola, and Galileo. Bachrach also describes some of the groups targeted by the inquisition such as Jews, Cathars, Waldensias, and Protestants(makes me glad I didn't live in the sixteenth century .
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Inquisition: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als Download ~ INQUISITION is the latest thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestselling author David Gibbins.Jack Howard will be tested to his limits on the trail of the fabled Holy Grail. '[The] Da Vinci Code of the deep sea' Daily Express 258 As the blood of martyred Christians runs through Rome's catacombs, Pope Sixtus entrusts their most sacred object to a devoted follower.
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The Inquisition: : Baigent, Michael, Leigh ~ This book is an amalgam of various items, which have sometimes nothing to do with the Inquisition (e.g. Schliemann, Garibaldi). It spends three pages on one tortured freemason, and half a paragraph on Wycliffe and Hus. The authors don't explain clearly the theories of and the conflicts with, for instance, the Cathars, with Wycliffe and Hus.
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