Buch Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts
Beschreibung Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts
At the heart of many religions are sacred texts that depict or even incite sexual violence. Most of this violence is directed against women and girls. Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts opens up an informed, passionate, interfaith dialogue for scholars and activists seeking to transform social problems that impact women and girls globally. Situated within struggles toward gender equity and widespread spiritual flourishing, these essays empower religious leaders, academics, and laypersons to confront and to creatively engage with sacred texts that re-inscribe sexual violence.
Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts (English Edition) eBook ~ Sexual Violence and Sacred Texts (English Edition) eBook: Amy Kalmanofsky: : Kindle-Shop
SEXUAL VIOLENCE & SACRED TEXTS: : Kalmanofsky ~ SEXUAL VIOLENCE & SACRED TEXTS / Kalmanofsky, Phd Amy / ISBN: 9781457558832 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Violence and the Sacred in the Modern World Routledge ~ Violence and the Sacred in the Modern World (Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Religion, Band 17) / Juergensmeyer, Mark / ISBN: 9780367030865 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Sexuality and the Sacred, Second Edition: Sources for ~ Sexuality and the Sacred, Second Edition: Sources for Theological Reflection (2010-09-21) / unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Sacred Sex — Vivian Dittmar ~ Sexualität scheint so frei wie noch nie zu sein. Alles darf, nichts ist mehr tabu. Doch Sex kann so viel mehr als einfach nur geil sein. Reduzieren wir Sex darauf, entgeht uns die Möglichkeit, das Wunder und das Geheimnis der Sexualität zu erschließen: Sex als intimes Gebet, Sex als heiliges Geschenk, Sex als Möglichkeit das Leben in seiner Essenz zu erfahren, zu feiern und zu ehren.
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Sacred Texts: Sexuality ~ Sacred Sexuality in the Ancient World In the late 18th century, classical scholars began to take note of a phenomena which they termed 'Priapus worship'. This was a complex of religious ideas in antiquity including phallic votive objects, fertility ceremonies, sacred prostitution, female and hermaphroditic creator deities, and other heterodox aspects of ancient religion.
Erotische Romane: Diese Sex-Bücher sind echte Klassiker ~ Benoîte Groult: 'Salz auf unserer Haut' (1988) Die Protagonistin George ist 18 Jahre alt, als sie ihre sexuelle Leidenschaft für den Sohn eines bretonischen Bauern, Gauvain, entdeckt.
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Sexual Violence (eBook, PDF) - Portofrei bei bücher ~ The purpose of this edited volume is to examine the disconnect in the sexual violence prevention field between legislation, research and practice. The work is focused primarily on United States policies and initiatives, with key case studies internationally.
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The sacred books of China: The texts of Tâoism : Laozi ~ Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. The sacred books of China: The texts of Tâoism by Laozi; Zhuangzi; Legge, James, 1815-1897. Publication date 1891 Topics Taoism -- Sacred books Publisher Oxford The Clarendon Press Collection robarts; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto Language English. I. The Tâo teh king. The writings of Kwang-tsze .
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Sexual Violence (eBook, ePUB) von William R - buecher ~ This book presents both a compact summary of the voluminous research on sexual violence and a practical, evidence-based how-to treatment guide for mental health practitioners working in clinics and institutions that treat men who are sexually coercive and violent toward others.