PDF Roots and Wings of Faith
Beschreibung Roots and Wings of Faith
"Roots and Wings of Faith" recounts incredible and shocking historic events during the Protestant Reformation, including the greatest persecution of Christians since the Roman era. The goal of the book is to present a renewed inspiration and understanding of these events that shook the world. The author explains that, out of the Reformation roots of struggle and distress, grew the belief that the supreme blessing of Forgiveness is freely offered to everyone through simple and sincere faith. The author writes: "It is for us of course, as the successors to those who suffered and died for the Gospel, to live up to the principles of the Protestant Faith - always trusting in the Bible as God's Word, following the great creeds and confessions, and never forgetting to stand for freedom, peaceful beliefs, worship and forgiveness."
Lesen Sie das Buch Roots and Wings of Faith
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