Buch online Pathways of Karate Development: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & Tou-di 唐手 Via Okinawan-te 沖縄手 to Karate 空手: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & ... to Karate 空手
Beschreibung Pathways of Karate Development: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & Tou-di 唐手 Via Okinawan-te 沖縄手 to Karate 空手: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & ... to Karate 空手
A profound insight into the technical development process of Okinawan Karate, taken via an historical perspective up to the present, based on ground-breaking original research and analysis.This book provides practical explanations that shed light on much of the techniques that appear in earlier kata, rooted in ancient Ryukyuan combat.Researcher Itzik Cohen’s previous book, karate Uchina-Di 沖縄手, has been widely acclaimed and awarded him the title “Writer of the year” by the IRKRS 琉球唐手術国際研究會 in 2017. In this book the author delves deeper, focusing on of the evolution of karate techniques.The personal experience of the author in both fields, military combat, and intelligence in terrorism arena, provides him with a unique overview and distinctive perception and analyses in this exceptional work.
Lesen Sie das Buch Pathways of Karate Development: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & Tou-di 唐手 Via Okinawan-te 沖縄手 to Karate 空手: From Ryūkyū -di 琉球手 & ... to Karate 空手
Cheney (Washington) – Wikipedia ~ Cheney (ˈtʃiːni) ist eine Stadt (City) im Spokane County im US-Bundesstaat Washington.Zum United States Census 2010 hatte Cheney 10.590 ständige Bewohner. Die Eastern Washington University hat ihren Sitz in Cheney, und dessen Bevölkerung wächst zeitweise auf etwa 17.600 Menschen, wenn in der Eastern Washington University Vorlesungen stattfinden.