Buch A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations (English Edition)
Beschreibung A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations (English Edition)
Violence professionals engage in the hardest and most complicated use of force there is. That's controlling an individual – who is on the fight – without injuring that person or taking injury themselves. Worse there are time limits. Not only from the perspective of 'the longer it goes on the greater the chance of injury,' but also the more likely you are to be sued and booed. Sued because they saw the two of you in a long drawn out 'fight.' The booed part tracks back to you being injured because the longer it takes to gain control, the more likely someone else is to jump in and attack you from behind."A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly" goes beyond mere defensive tactics and techniques. It goes straight into survival. Yes the survival can be physical, but it also includes not being sued and protecting your career. By ending a situation quickly and effectively you reduce your chances of not getting thrown under the bus by an employer for doing what you were hired to do.
A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How ~ A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations (English Edition) eBook: Marc MacYoung: : Kindle-Shop
A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How ~ A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations / MacYoung, Marc / ISBN: 9781078197083 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A Professionalas Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How ~ A Professionalas Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations. A Professionalas Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations by Marc MacYoung
A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How ~ A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations [MacYoung, Marc] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence Quickly: How Bouncers, Bodyguards, and Other Security Professionals Handle Ugly Situations
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