When Will the Messiah Return? This unique book addresses Bible prophecy to Messianic Believers who want to understand the restoration of the two houses of Israel, Judah and Ephraim (Yechezkel/Ezekiel 37:15-28), as an end-time "event," and how this event is related to Yeshua's return.Yeshua told us He would return for His elect "immediately after the tribulation of those days" (Mattityahu/Matthew 24:29). This book addresses the infamous pre- versus post-tribulation rapture debate and it clearly answers the question of "Who are the elect?" When Will the Messiah Return? shows God's elect to be the redeemed people of Israel, and it validates the concept of post-tribulationism. Discussed are common false beliefs as they relate to "the Church" being taken to Heaven for the duration of the Tribulation period and how the unification of Judah and Ephraim changes your perception of the Last Days.Many Believers today are recognizing themselves as part of our Heavenly Father's Israelite assembly (Ephesians 2:11-12). They see the goal of Messiah's return and seeing the establishment of His Kingdom as being our divine call so the logical question becomes, "How will this restoration come about?" Our starting point to answering this question is a proper understanding of the Second Coming. The answer is found in When Will the Messiah Return? Read this informative, scholarly, well-documented book and be blessed.
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