Buch Al Weiss' the Official History of Karate in America: The Golden Age : 1968-1986
Beschreibung Al Weiss' the Official History of Karate in America: The Golden Age : 1968-1986
Covers the history of karate in America from the 1960s through the 1980s as presented in Official karate magazine, offering excerpts and reprints from magazine issues
Lesen Sie das Buch Al Weiss' the Official History of Karate in America: The Golden Age : 1968-1986
Karate in the United States - Wikipedia ~ The Official History of Karate in America: The Golden Age: 1968–1986, Al Weiss (1997), ISBN 0-9615126-8-7; The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tae Kwon Do, Karen Eden and Keith D. Yates (1998), Alpha Books, ISBN 0-02-862389-4; The Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate, Randall G. Hassell (2000), Alpha Books, ISBN 0-02-863832-8; The Ultimate Martial Arts Q & A Book: 750 Expert Answers to Your Essential .
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