Buch lesen PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series Book 4) (English Edition)
Beschreibung PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series Book 4) (English Edition)
Plyo-Flex is a system of plyometric exercises and intensive flexibility training designed to increase your kicking power, speed, flexibility and skill level. Based on scientific principles, Plyo-Flex exercises will boost your muscles, joints and nervous system interfaces to the next performance level. After only a few weeks of training, you should see a marked improvement in the speed of your kicks and footwork, the power of your kicks, the height of your jumps, your stamina and your overall flexibility. Hundreds of illustrations and photographs will guide you through the basic plyometric and stretching exercises. Once you've mastered the basics, add the kicking-oriented variations to your workout for an extra challenge. Plyo-Flex is packed with exercises and drills proven to boost kicking performance while building strength, speed and flexibility. The first edition of this book was reviewed and rated at 4.2 stars by Amazon customers. A representative review reads as follows: "Excellent and to the point. By Oka Usi. The diagrams and descriptions are clear. The purpose and issues regarding each exercise are clearly described in simple English - no excessive jargon. The section on hamstrings and hip flexibility is excellent."
PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series Book 4) (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for ~ PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series Book 4) (English Edition) eBook: De Bremaeker, Marc: : Kindle-Shop
PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for ~ PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series, Band 4) / Marc De Bremaeker / ISBN: 9780995795266 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for ~ PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series) [De Bremaeker, Marc] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. PLYO-FLEX: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports (The 'Kicks' series)
Plyo-Flex: Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for ~ (This is the second edition of this work) Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports Plyo-Flex is a system of plyometric exercises and intensive flexibility training designed to increase your kicking power, speed, flexibility and skill level. Based on scientific principles, Plyo-Flex exercises will boost your muscles, joints and nervous system .
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Plyo-Flex Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for ~ Plyo-Flex Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive Martial Arts Kicks and Performance Sports. 27 Jun by lici. Plyo-Flex Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for - .
THE ART OF STRETCHING AND KICKING Price Comparison - Over ~ Posted on 02.11.2020 By bonu Leave a comment on THE ART OF STRETCHING AND KICKING Price Comparison - Over. Plyo-Flex Plyometrics and Flexibility Training for Explosive
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