Buch lesen Wing Chun's Geometry: Basic Geometric Gung Fu Fundamentals
Beschreibung Wing Chun's Geometry: Basic Geometric Gung Fu Fundamentals
Wing Chun's Geometry is for enthusiast and beginners who are interested in a new approach with old school drills. Wing Chun is a very straight forward Gung Fu system that was designed to be more efficient than most traditional Martial Arts systems. Practitioners are taught to go directly to the vital areas of an opponent's center line while protecting them selves. Unlike other Martial Arts we train to block and strike simultaneously. With that in mind you still need a good work ethic, diligence, patience and an appropriate comprehension of structure. This book will give you tangible Geometric elements to visualize correct structure. The book will also provide a variety of upper gate drills including some stationary and footwork drills. The Wing Chun system only has three hand forms yet it's boxing principals are used by MMA fighters worldwide. That is a perfect example of how effective Wing Chun is with it's simplistic movements and complex theories.
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