Ebook The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume One - The Solo Form (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume One - The Solo Form (English Edition)
This book, which is the first in a three-volume series, represents the accumulated knowledge and understanding that are the result of nearly thirty years of dedicated study and diligent practice of the art of taijiquan. Focusing on the solo (or empty-hand) forms of the five major family styles (Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun), the author presents fifty distinct yet related principles that are essential to the correct practice of taijiquan. These principles range from the basic, such as “Suspend the head-top” and “Level the pelvis,” to more esoteric concepts like “Use consciousness, not strength” and “No shape, no shadow.”Accompanying each individual principle, the author has included one or more training exercises designed to assist the reader in cultivating that specific principle and incorporating the essence of the principle into the reader’s solo form practice. These training exercises include simple stretching and loosening exercises, zhan zhuang standing, seated and standing meditation, repetitive single-posture training, silk-reeling, and fajin training. Each of these exercises is intended to increase the reader’s skill and supplement his or her solo form practice. Although many of the principles come from the collective works known as the Taijiquan Classics, which are generic to all family styles of taijiquan, the author has also included principles that have been excerpted from the works of past and present masters of the Chen, Yang, Wu, Hao, and Sun styles. The insight transmitted to the author from his primary teacher, Grandmaster Jesse Tsao, is that those principles and concepts that would appear to be specific to a given family style (such as the coiling of Chen style or the follow-stepping of the Sun style) are universally applicable to all family styles.Even if one only practices a single style of taijiquan, recognizing the universality of the principles and practice methods that underlie all family styles can broaden the practitioner’s understanding and improve his or her skill. Acknowledging this generic approach, the author has produced a book that is comprehensive and universal in its approach to presenting the principles and practice of taijiquan. The general knowledge and practical information contained within this book will be of value to practitioners of all levels who wish to increase their understanding and improve their skill at performing the solo form(s) from their preferred family style of taijiquan.
The Principles and Practice of Taijiquan: Volume One - The Solo Form (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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