Buch Kenpo - How to Survive Life: Concepts and Principles
Beschreibung Kenpo - How to Survive Life: Concepts and Principles
Kenpo – How to Survive Life is the first book in this series, it is an introduction into the basics that form the Kenpo system, and how they are applied for self-defense purposes. It explains the correct application of basics that includes stances, blocks, kicks, and strikes. It has a comprehensive explanation of Short Form 1, the Universal Pattern, and an introduction into the club techniques. There are specific chapters explaining the benefits of self-defense techniques, form training, and freestyle fighting. It is an introduction to the concepts and principles Kenpo Karate contains with a no-nonsense approach in applying them
Kenpo - How to Survive Life: Concepts and Principles PDF ePub
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American Kenpo - Wikipedia ~ American Kenpo Karate (/ ˈ k ɛ n p oʊ /), also known as American Kenpo and Kenpo Karate, is an updated system of martial arts based on modern-day street fighting that applies logic and practicality. It is characterized by the use of quick and powerful strikes delivered from all of the body's natural weapons, powered by rapid stance transitions, called "shifting."
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