Buch Tai Chi: Health for Life
Beschreibung Tai Chi: Health for Life
According to Time Magazine, tai chi is “the perfect exercise.”Tai chi’s incredible powers are reflected in its popularity. Over 200 million practitioners worldwide—young, old, athletic, sedentary, chronically ill, overweight—are using tai chi’s slow, graceful movements as a potent preventative health care practice to regain control of their health, boost high performance, manage stress and reverse the effects of aging. Tai Chi Health for Life is in effect a comprehensive consumers’ guide to tai chi, by international authority and teacher of Taoist health, martial arts and spiritual practices, Bruce Frantzis. Citing clinical studies and the practical experience of practitioners, this inspiring book persuasively argues why everyone should consider taking up tai chi. Tai Chi: Health for Life is not a how-to exercise manual nor does it teach any particular style of tai chi. Instead the book tells people exactly how tai chi works, revealing why tai chi is so effective at relieving such chronic health problems as high blood pressure, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and anxiety. It explains how to choose a tai chi style and what to look for in a teacher. The book links the underlying energetic principles of tai chi to traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, and shows how its philosophy is derived from such ancient Taoist texts as the Tao Te Ching and the I Ching.In Tai Chi Health for Life you will discover:—Why doctors, nurses and alternative health care professionals are recommending the low impact movements of tai chi to their patients—Why senior practitioners call tai chi the ‘elixir of life’—How tai chi improves workplace productivity and boosts mental stamina—Tools to combat repetitive stress injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome—How tai chi enhances sexual, athletic and intellectual performance—Why tai chi, as ‘moving meditation’ can create inner peace—The difference between tai chi, chi gung (qigong) and yoga —How tai chi teachers and advanced practitioners can upgrade their skills. Tai Chi: Health for Life peels away the mysteries surrounding the concept of chi–life-force energy—which is fundamental to both tai chi and chi gung. These chi-building practices supercharge other exercise methods, such as sports, weight-lifting and yoga. Developing chi inside the body, mind and spirit is the most important determinant for achieving health, relaxation and vitality. “Bruce Frantzis is a true master.” —Michael E. Gerber, author of The E-Myth Revisited
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Sha Zhigang – Wikipedia ~ Seine Reise begann im Alter von sechs Jahren, als er einen Tai Chi-Meister bat, ihn als Schüler zu akzeptieren. Als er zehn Jahre alt war, wurde er von einem Meister des Qigong als Schüler angenommen. Seine Ausbildung in östlichen Kampfkünsten setzte er fort, bis er ein Meister in Tai Chi, Qigong, I Ging, Kung Fu, und Feng Shui wurde.
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