Pdf lesen MMA Strength & Conditioning: Guide to Building a Fighter (English Edition)
Beschreibung MMA Strength & Conditioning: Guide to Building a Fighter (English Edition)
Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest growing combat sport in the world, MMA is a mixture of combative arts put together to be tested in cage, some say it is in resemblance of the modern day Gladiator. As a strength conditioning specialist and former professional mixed martial arts fighter myself I found that there was a huge misunderstanding on how to actually train a fighter to optimize performance while eliminating injury. If you are a trainer/coach or fighter yourself this book will be a great guide for you to fully take advantage of the widely misunderstood aspects of strength and conditioning in the MMA world. In this book I have put together all exercises, lifts, warmup techniques, and nutrition to facilitate a fighters optimal performance. This is a program I use for my fighters and used for myself to be in the best physical condition to take into the cage. Another great thing about this book is that it doesn't just have to be for fighters or trainers, this book can be used for anyone wanting to train and be as physically fit as a high level mixed martial arts athlete. I have been a strength coach for 10 years and trained MMA for about 15 years, I also received the 2012-2013 Best MMA Strength & Conditioning Coach Award for the Florida MMA Awards at the age of 23. I have no doubt that this book will help you improve yourself or your athletes performance tremendously. Train hard so the fight is easy, in and out of the cage! Phil Bam Bam Daru
MMA Strength & Conditioning: Guide to Building a Fighter (English Edition) PDF ePub
Strength and conditioning routine for MMA / Koncept Gym ~ Strength and conditioning routine for MMA. This is a post copied and pasted from Sherdog from a strength and power discussion for MMA. This would be a great routine for any of our fighters, and i firmly believe that all out grapplers / mma fighters should be doing more weights and conditioning. Monday. Squat 3 sets of 5. Bench press 3 sets of 5
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