PDF Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy, Band 3)
Beschreibung Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy, Band 3)
Divided into four parts, this book describes the developmental stages of the internal martial artist. The first requirement lies in the constant cultivation and maintenance of proper posture and breathing habits, both in the stillness of sitting and standing and in the movement of the body. The next stage develops jin, or fajin, a unique power characteristic of internal martial arts that is examined through the fundamental, physiological, anatomical, and mechanical bases and parameters. Also important is the yi, which refers to the mental faculty tasked with controlling our movements and actions in the world, and shen, the peak or transcendent experience of awareness. This is the final volume of the Warriors of Stillness trilogy.
Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy, Band 3) ebooks
Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the ~ Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy, Band 3) / Diepersloot, Jan / ISBN: 9780985986506 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the ~ Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy) [Diepersloot, Jan] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy)
Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the ~ Buy Masters of Perception: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts (Warriors of Stillness Trilogy) by Diepersloot, Jan (ISBN: 9780985986506) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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Qigong of the Center ~ Masters of Perception - Sensory-Motor Integration in the Internal Martial Arts . Summary: In this third volume I continue my growth through deeper study of taijiquan and yiquan under the tutelage of master Sam Tam. The book has four parts, representing the four stages of development of the internal martial artist. Parts 1 and 2 describe the somatic functions controlled by mental faculties .
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