Buch online Schizophrenic Christianity:: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters (English Edition)
Beschreibung Schizophrenic Christianity:: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters (English Edition)
Now updated with more cases and more insights into the scandals of prominent Fundamental Baptist churches and schools, SCHIZOPHRENIC CHRISTIANITY shows that child molesting is embedded into the culture Christian Fundamentalism.Using case study after case study of Independent Fundamental Baptist pastors accused, indicted, or convicted of child molesting, the author shows that these men continue to serve in the ministry unhindered. With surprising quotes from public leaders of Christian Fundamentalism such as the late Jerry Falwell, the author shows that many ultra-conservative Baptist churches grant their pastors total immunity and blame and isolate their victims instead. In easy to understand language, Massi explains the theology of American Christian Fundamentalism and shows how it has departed radically from historic Christian belief into a gender-based, externalized pietism that evaluates spiritual success in terms of numbers and political power. She paints a frightening picture of a religion gone horribly wrong, in which child molesters can easily pick up the lingo, amass a following, and hold themselves above accountability by merging into a system that refuses to police itself or institute rules of behavior for its clergy.
Schizophrenic Christianity:: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ The subtitle of this book is “How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters.” That is a pretty strong assertion, but I think the author makes a compelling case for it. I had heard of some of the scandals that she details, but not all of them. It is really quite frightening to consider that a movement that prides itself on being separate .
Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters (English Edition) eBook: Massi, Jeri: : Kindle-Shop
Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ : Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters (9780981471808): Jeri Massi: Books
Schizophrenic Christianity:: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ Schizophrenic Christianity:: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters by Jeri Massi (2014-07-18) 4.8 out of 5 stars 18 Paperback
Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters - Kindle edition by Massi, Jeri. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects .
Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism ~ It is this confusing and disturbing world that Jeri Massi exposes in Schizophrenic Christianity: How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts and Protects Sociopaths, Abusive Pastors, and Child Molesters. Herself a Christian who long ago left the convoluted IFB network behind, Massi has for several years maintained a blog to make the public aware of the errant teaching and cruel abuses that occur .
Schizophrenic Christianity How Christian Fundamentalism ~ Descargar Schizophrenic Christianity How Christian Fundamentalism Attracts And Protects Sociopaths Abusive Pastors And Child Molesters/ PDF Gratis español. PDF Libros electrónicos gratuitos en todos los formatos para Android Apple y Kindle. Descargar ebooks gratis para llevar y leer en cualquier lugar.
Schizophrenic Christianity: : How Christian Fundamentalism ~ In easy to understand language, Massi explains the theology of American Christian Fundamentalism and shows how it has departed radically from historic Christian belief into a gender-based, externalized pietism that evaluates spiritual success in terms of numbers and political power. She paints a frightening picture of a religion gone horribly wrong, in which child molesters can easily pick up .
Jeri Massi - Wikipedia ~ In 2008 Massi self-published Schizophrenic Christianity, which denounced corruption within Protestant Fundamentalism that had resulted in harm, especially to children. In 2009, Massi conducted interviews of former residents of Hephzibah House in Warsaw, Indiana , a Protestant Fundamentalist Children's home for girls.
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