Buch The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era
Beschreibung The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era
Why do we do religion? Religion appears in human life because every human being, even if not fully aware of it, lives in a land of mystery with rushing rivers of freedom, imposing mountains of care, and wild seas of tranquility. This land of mystery penetrates the land of ordinary living at every point. Awe is our experience of this ever-present Eternity.This book is about how the Awe that is happening in our everyday lives is key to understanding both the renewal of Christianity and the need for non-bigoted dialogue among all religions on Earth.
The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era PDF ePub
The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in ~ The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era / Gene Marshall / ISBN: 9780595263530 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in ~ The Call of the Awe: Rediscovering Christian Profundity in an Interreligious Era by Gene W. Marshall starts from his journey into the Christian faith in this country. This continues in his many years of work in other cultures resulting in his experiential dialogue with Christianity and the world religions. This is not just an intellectual .
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