Pdf lesen Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture-- And Destruction of Planet Earth
Beschreibung Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture-- And Destruction of Planet Earth
The book explores the danger posed by Christian fundamentalism - a doctrine that is sweeping America. Leaders of the doctrine proclaim that God wants - even demands - that Planet Earth be destroyed in our generation. Adherents to this doctrine are said to constitute the fastest growing movement in Christianity today. Fundamentalist Evangelicals believe there will be catastrophic events on earth, some occurring already, including the turmoil in the Middle East, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon in which Christ will triumph and begin ruling the earth. At this point, they believe, non-believers will be destroyed, good Christians saved and any remaining Jews converted to Christianity. By praying for their Rapture and the End of Time, might they Force the Hand of God -- to bring it about? The book also includes CBS 60 Minutes program, Zion's Christian Soldiers and an interview with Jerry Falwell. Grace Halsell (1923-2000) served President Lyndon Johnson as his speech writer for three years. She covered both Korea and Vietnam as a journalist and wrote for newspapers in the U.S., South America, Europe, Russia, China, Japan and the Middle East. She wrote fourteen books among them the well-received Soul Sister, Prophecy and Politics: Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War, Journey to Jerusalem and The Illegals. A great expose' of the strange marriage of convenience between the U.S. Christian Right and Israel. Neither likes the other- but they use one another.Dr. Alfred LilientA great expose' of the strange marriage of convenience
Lesen Sie das Buch Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture-- And Destruction of Planet Earth
Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture ~ Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture - and Destruction of Planet Earth. Book Author . Grace Halsell. Reviewer. James M. Wall. Reviewer Title. Senior contributing editor at Christian Century. Publishing Info. Washington, DC: Crossroads International Publishing, 1999. 132 pages. $14.95, paperback. If there is a single use of the word "zealot" in this book by Grace Halsell, I .
Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture ~ In her startling new book, Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and the Destruction of Planet Earth, Grace Halsell explores the danger of a new religious doctrine sweeping America. Adherents to this doctrine are said to constitute the fastest growing movement in Christianity today. Its leaders proclaim that God wants--even demands--that Planet Earth be
Forcing God's hand : why millions pray for a quick rapture ~ Get this from a library! Forcing God's hand : why millions pray for a quick rapture-- and destruction of planet Earth. [Grace Halsell] -- "Exposes Falwell's Christian tours as having only one purpose: to raise money for Falwell and Israel . A great expose of the strange marriage of convenience between the US Christian right and .
Download Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick ~ Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and Destruction of Planet Earth, Grace Halsell, Amana Publications, 2003, , 164 pages. The book explores the danger posed by Christian fundamentalism - a doctrine that is sweeping America. Leaders of the doctrine proclaim that God wants - even demands - that Planet Earth be destroyed in our generation. Adherents to this doctrine are .
: Customer reviews: Forcing God's Hand: Why ~ Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and the Destruction of the Planet Earth throws considerable light on apocalyptic motifs in culture, psychology, and politics. It forces the question, What kind of species are we that we can lock ourselves into a gospel of violence such as found in the Schofield Reference Bible? Halsell has perhaps opened a door for better understanding .
Forcing God's Hand : Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Forcing God's Hand : Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture - and Destruction of Planet Earth by Grace Halsell (2003, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture ~ Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture-- And Destruction of Planet Earth: : Grace Halsell: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
The Greatest Hoax / Forcing God's Hand by Grace Halsell ~ Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture -- And Destruction of Planet Earth. Does God want -- even demand -- that those of us living today destroy Planet Earth? Jim Jones led his followers to death telling them the end is near, so let's get on with it. Today, most TV evangelists say the same. David Koresh of the "Branch Davidians" and leaders of "Heaven's Gate" led followers .
Grace Halsell / Open Library ~ Download for print-disabled Forcing God's Hand: why millions pray for a quick rapture--and destruction of planet earth by Grace Halsell. First published in 1999 4 editions. Not in Library. Getting to know Guatemala and the two Honduras by Grace Halsell. First published in 1964 3 editions. Not in Library. Prophecy and politics: the secret alliance between Israel and the U.S. Christian right by .
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